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How To Train Your Dog

27 13:49:36
Providing effective training for your dog from an early age is very important for a number of reasons. The most effective training method for both you and your dog will depend upon a number of factors, such as which method of training you feel most comfortable with and which method of training your dog is most responsive to.

One thing to remember when it comes to training your dog is that you should always use positive reinforcement and training methods, and never aggression, impatience, or abuse in order to scare your dog into submission. Training is all about mutual understanding and cooperation between you and your dog, and by shouting, screaming, and lashing out at your dog in order to get him to respond you will simply instil fear and aggression rather than encouraging obedience and cooperation.

There are some excellent and popular training methods in use today, and you can find out more about these methods in order to determine which is most likely to benefit you and your dog.

Reward based training

This is one of the most common and popular forms of training for dogs, and involves providing your dog with a treat whenever he or she obeys you when training. You can combine the treat with fuss and attention, as this will link the receipt of tasty goodies and fuss with that particular action in your dog's mind, thus encouraging him to do it again upon your command. In short, this type of training teaches your dog to associate certain actions with certain rewards or consequences (i.e. fuss, attention and treats) in order to provide encouragement.

Clicker training

Clicker training is a newer form of training that teaches your dog to obey through association. The clicks are initially used with something that your dog will respond to such as treats. However, after a while, your dog will start to recognize the clicking and link it to his actions rather than associating it with the treat. He will then start to link certain actions with the clicking, and will know that when he hears the click that he has done something good, thus responding to the clicking rather than the treat.

Dog whispering

Another up and coming form of dog training is dog whispering, which is a training method that focuses on the behavior and body language of your dog in order to enable you to better communicate with your pet. Also based upon positive association, this method of training uses calming signals to encourage and train your dog.

Train your dog from an early age

It is important that your dog starts to receive training from an early age in order to improve your chances of success. The older and more set in his way the dog is, the more difficult he will be to train. With effective early training, you will enjoy a far better relationship with your dog, and you will be able to enjoy the companionship of a pet that is obedient, well adjusted, socialized, and a joy to be around.