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Begging for Table Scraps

27 13:42:19
Dogs are sharp and they are learning from you from the moment you let them into your home. Make sure you are conveying the right messages to your dog from the get go. Many pet owners, almost unknowingly, sometimes encourage poor behavior. Training your dog is an essential part of the dog owner relationship. If you are careful and consistent, your training should go well.

A good example of a poor habit that can get out of hand is begging. If you don’t want your dog to beg, it is imperative that you separate dog feeding and dog food from your breakfast, lunch and dinner. Most of us have enjoyed a tasty treat within sniffing range of our canine companions. The dog is quick to communicate its intent toward your snack with a series of tail wags and soulful stares or squeaky whines. If you feed the dog scraps from your plate while you are eating your meal, then the dog is training you very well, and the message you are sending your dog is clear. My lunch is your lunch. Hanging out and groveling at the dinner table is a good way to get a share of the tasty treat. Your dog will file this away and it will take a lot more time and training to break the habit.

If you can separate family feeding time and space from dog feeding time and space from the beginning of your relationship with your dog, then you should never have a begging problem. This is a simple preventative measure that you can take. If you allow begging and give in, then you will only confuse your dog later when you want them to stop.

One of the most difficult issues regarding begging behavior in dogs is the company you keep. In most households or groups of friends, there is at least one double agent, someone that can not resist sharing with the family pet. Young children are often the culprits whether sharing as a friendly gesture or, more often, pawning off some of their less desirable morsels to help make a clean plate. Adults can be just as guilty as the children though, feeding the pet just to be nice. All parties involved with the dog feeding and people feeding in your home need to be on the same page regarding the dog and people food. This helps to avoid mixed messages.

If you have already got yourself a beggar, it is not too late. Consistent training and more importantly the separation, when possible, of the dog from the food consumption can eventually wean the dog of this behavior. Above all, you can not give in to those puppy dog eyes when they are eyeing your food. If you are getting a new dog, keep these tips in mind. It is easier to never teach your dog a bad habit, than it is for him to break it.