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How To Train Chihuahua Puppies Easily

26 14:03:52

How To Train Chihuahua Puppies Easily


Training chihuahua puppies can be tough but rewarding. They often seem to have a mind of their own. Understanding the right frame of mind you need to be in is essential.

The first thing one must do when beginning to train an animal is to gain their trust and respect. This same holds true when training your puppy or dog. A dog is a pack animal and thus has a need to be either top dog or a follower. You need to make it very clear from the start that you are top dog and your pet is the follower. This is the first step towards the basic training of your pet.

Once the dog has learned to love, respect, and trust you they will have an easier time with following your leads and commands. You cannot force the trust or respect they must be earned just like for humans. Positive interaction is one way to get your four legged friend to trust in you. You will be amazed at how quickly the dog will learn from you once this trust is established.

A lot of new dog owners can mistake love and affection for respect and trust. Though it is great to shower your pup with love it is more important to gain their confidence. You should never allow the puppy or dog to get away with the bad things they sometimes do. You must set behavioral boundaries which your dog will slowly learn to follow.

Believe it or not a dog will actually like to have these boundaries since it resembles boundaries set by the top dog in a pack. Each dog within the pack knows what they are in charge of and what is expected of him/her and they know where they stand in the pecking order. This structure allows the dog pack to function together and survive and your dog is actually seeking this sort of leadership from you. If they do not receive this leadership from you, you may find you have a very frightened and very confused pet on your hands which is something you surely want to avoid at all costs.

Good luck on training your new chihuahua puppies!