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Can Dogs Drink Coffee? Why Is Coffee Bad for Dogs

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Anyone who owns and loves a pet will tell you how important it is to care for your dog's health especially because they have the potential to get into a lot of different things. It is not a good idea to slip your dog table food as that may affect directly their digestive system. While some table scraps may be fine for dogs, others such as coffee are a big no-no.


Try giving your dog instead with dogs that they can easily digest such as lean proteins. Dogs may also eat vegetables and fruits though some fruits such as grapes both fresh and dried can be dangerous to them. You should also not give your dogs with fatty or spicy foods that can upset their tummy and cause digestive troubles. Dogs can never have tea, chocolate, coffee, grapes, raisins and onions. These types of foods may cause vomiting or diarrhea when ingested by your dogs. They may cause nutritional issues as well.

The reason why you should never give your dog with coffee is because of the caffeine content. Caffeine is something their digestive system is unable to handle. So you should never offer them this drink even if it seemed fine to give it to them. Vets say that a dog has to drink eight ounces of coffee before it could become toxic but that is definitely something that you do not want to risk. Few drops of coffee may not be harmful to dogs but you should not give your dog coffee in excess daily.

Even decaffeinated coffee is more toxic to dogs compared to the caffeinated variety. Caffeine is known as a stimulant and in unusual cases the central nervous system of your dog can be affected, causing them to be hyperactive.

Therefore it is always better for your pooch to avoid coffee or anything that has coffee in it. You should keep coffee grounds and coffee beans out of their reach. These items can cause caffeine toxicity. Be extra careful about leaving out products containing such ingredients including chocolate. Caffeine is almost as harmful as chocolates to dogs and so coffee by any means should not be given to dogs.

Coffee may have antioxidants and health benefits to humans but this is not the case for dogs. That is because their digestive systems are different from that of humans. Coffee may irritate their systems and trigger developing serious issues. If you want to make sure your dog is properly taken care of and that they get the nutrients they need, keep the on a balanced diet consisting of lean proteins and other ingredients that are safe for them to take. Coffee and chocolate may seem like a sweet treat they should never be given to your dog at all cost.

Keep an eye on what your dog is eating. Make sure they only eat food that they can digest easily and will not give them upset stomach or other digestive problems.