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House Training A Dog Fast

26 13:49:28

House Training A Dog Fast


Two of the things that you'll have to get in the habit of exercising is will and patience. These are needed along with consistency to get positive results when you are housebreaking a puppy. Even though you won't be able to watch your canine around the clock, there are effective ways you can send a positive message to them to stop wetting the floor when you are not present.

Oops, there the dog goes again, wetting the floor. When canines are puppies, the poor things have not developed any bladder or bowel control. They will develop this during their development stages and with time.

To start out, find a suitable, out of the way area to make a restricted home for the dog. Cover the floor with paper. Also cover the floor with their food, water, bed, and any play toys they enjoy. This is the first test. Typically, your canine won't potty on his bed or on his food or water. They may not care about the toys at the time.

Using newspapers in the confined area will be an important step in training your puppy. Regardless of where they go, they will do it on the newspapers. Eventually, they will make an out of the way spot in an area away from the things they enjoy.

You're off to a very good start and the dog is learning. Once you have identified the puppy is picky about where they do it in their confined area, it's time for the next step. Put paper around the home. After the dog has freedom in the house and goes to the bathroom on the floor, put his nose in the vicinity of it and take him to the paper on the floor. The puppy is sensitive to the smell. If you practice this process with consistency, the canine will soon catch on and before you know it he will use the paper instead.

Over time the dog will go to the paper around the house when they have to do it. When they do be sure to get excited and congratulate them for a job well done. Go a step further and put papers in different locations and show the canine where they are at. If the canine continues using the paper in the new locations, you have accomplished the first steps in housebreaking a puppy. It's that simple.

The next feat is to finally get your canine to stop going in the home and head outside instead. This will be easy because dogs love the great outdoors. Position all of the paper on the floor near the doors leading to your backyard.

At this time, the dog is trained to use the paper. Once he uses the paper as you have done such a good job training him to do, put their nose near it and point to the door. Then open the door and let him run out and play. By consistently repeating this process of house training a puppy, your dog will soon catch on and will begin scratching the door when it is time to go potty.