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Siberian Husky Puppy Training - Keys To Success

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Siberian Husky Puppy Training - Keys To Success


There are a number of things you are going to want to know about Siberian Husky puppy training. We will be covering three main topics: housebreaking, socialization, and chewing. After reading the next few paragraphs you should be able to effectively train your puppy.

Housebreaking is one of the main keys towards Siberian Husky puppy training. Without it, you may as well not bother with the training. Use positive reinforcement in order to successfully housebreak your puppy. Praise him lavishly when he does his business in the right spot. Never use punishment when attempting to housebreak him. If you yell at him three minutes after creating a mess on the living room carpet, he is not going to register your yelling with him making a mess. Instead he will register you yelling with whatever he's currently doing. You'll see that you can get much further with housebreaking your puppy if you use positive reinforcement as opposed to negative reinforcement.

Another major key in Siberian Husky puppy training is socialization. If your puppy is not socialized, you'll encounter many issues when you take him out for walks or when you have company over. Socialization allows him to get accustomed to different scenarios, so he doesn't feel nervous or scared. Take your puppy to different environments such as the park, beach, and around the neighborhood. Introduce your puppy to different people. Have friends and family members come over to visit, or take him out to meet other people. He won't see your friends or relatives as threats if he is accustomed to meeting new people. Exposing him to different noises, smells, and situations will also work in lowering his anxiety. Once you're able to expose your Husky puppy to a variety of people and situations, you'll have successfully socialized your puppy.

The last major key in Siberian Husky puppy training is chewing. Chewing can become a real problem with your dog when he grows up if it is not controlled properly while he's a puppy. Give him chew toys to chew on and praise him when he uses them. Don't give him old shoes or slippers as chew toys because he will be unable to tell the difference between the shoes you gave him to chew on and your fancy designer shoes. Puppies also love to explore with their mouths, which may cause them to try to chew on you. When this happens, remain calm and avoid overreacting. Instead, give him a firm "no" and a chew toy. With enough consistent praise for when he chews on the proper items, he will learn what he should be chewing on and what he should leave alone.

Siberian Husky puppy training can be difficult if you take the wrong approach. If you are to have any success in training your puppy, you will definitely want to include housebreaking, socialization and chewing into your training. If you can manage these three tasks, you will see results and a well trained Siberian Husky puppy.