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Get Your Pet Healthy With A Raw Dog Food Diet

26 13:39:01

Get Your Pet Healthy With A Raw Dog Food Diet


Pets, especially dogs, have grown in stature within the family over the past few decades. No longer just acting as protectors, many people consider their pets to be a part of the family. Indeed couples who have decided not to have children often fill the home with what they affectionately term furry children. This rise in stature has coincided with a booming pet industry that creates a number of products from clothing and treats to raw dog food. The latter is growing in popularity as owner want to make sure their dogs live as long as possible and with their health mainly intact.

Humans have begun to notice their own diets are filled with preservatives and other ingredients they no longer want to eat. The corn industry is taking a large hit as the prevalence of high fructose corn syrup, as well as the knowledge that livestock is consuming large amounts of corn, has been put under the microscope of science.

The increase in obesity and cancer rates have been linked to the overconsumption of corn products and this is due to their high content of omega-6 fatty acids. The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 was traditionally equal, but there is a gross inequality in that ratio today that skews toward omega-6.

While humans must eat omega-6, they must also eat omega-3 and the ratio of the two is now skewed toward an overconsumption of omega-6 acids. This products ubiquity has been linked to both the obesity and cancer epidemics. While there is a large amount of evidence to point to its influence no changes are being done to change food production.

For dog owners who are concerned about their pet's long term health, diet is one of the most important purchases they can make. Most dog foods on the market are a mix of ingredients with corn or corn by-products being the largest component. This can be shocking for owners who are accustomed to believing that their dogs are eating meat.

This is especially hard on the digestion of animals that should only be eating meats and vegetables. The popularity of raw dog food is on the rise and when owners make the switch for their pets there are delighted at some of the changes that take place.

All ingredients in raw food are formulated for a dog's health in mind. Exact ratios of various meats, fruits and vegetables, as well as supplements are mixed together for the purpose of enabling a better and more stream lined digestion.

The fruits and vegetables are all organic and the meats are raised under hormone and steroid free conditions. The finest ingredients do come with a higher price, but eating right means giving more thought and money to the process.

The change in health that comes from a good diet is incalculable. Taking the time to research what a raw diet can do for your pet will most likely have you trying it out!