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Which Should Feed - Commercial, Raw Or Cooked Homemade Dog Food For My Jack Russell

26 13:36:30

Which Should Feed - Commercial, Raw Or Cooked Homemade Dog Food For My Jack Russell


Amongst other things, providing a proper diet to your Jack Russell terrier is vital. It is less work to provide canned dog food to our dogs with the frantic lifestyle that we are having today. However if we want the best for our dog, then we have to look at other sources of food for our dog - namely non-commercial food. Surpassingly people find a difference in the dog's health when they switch from canned dog food to homemade dog food.

Raw Dog Food
When feeding non-commercial dog food, we can either provide raw, cooked or mix raw and cooked food. There are pro and cons to feeding raw food to your Jack Russell. The main problem is raw food is that it may contain bacteria such as e.coli or salmonella. If your dog consumes food with these bacteria it may cause problems for him.

However your dog's stomach is strong enough to take care of other common bacteria. This is due to the fact that your terrier's stomach produces hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes which creates a level of acidity in the stomach which prevents these bacteria from growing. If any of these bacteria survives the acid, thankfully the small intestine of your dog is very short and these bacteria gets passed out without causing any problems.

Homemade Dog Food
The advantage of cooked homemade dog food for your Jack Russell is that cooking destroys the harmful bacteria but unfortunately it also destroys some of the enzymes in the food that is good for your terrier. Hence digesting cooked homemade dog food needs more enzymes than digesting raw food.

Some dogs may also have weaker stomachs and their stomach may not produce the necessary level of acids and enzymes that is able to fight and kill the bacteria. In cases like this you have no choice but to feed cooked homemade dog food for your dog.

Cooked Dog Food Or Raw Dog Food
Cooked homemade dog food or raw dog food? That depends on the individual as well as their dogs. If you truly have a very busy lifestyle, you may not have the time to cook the food for your dog. As such, it may be less taxing for you to feed your dog with the raw stuff. However some dogs may have a weaker stomach and may not be able to take their food raw. To let their dog's system get used to it, I provide my dogs with cooked food first and then slowly transition them to raw dog food.

However the best decision depends on how your dog can adapt to raw food. If he has problems with raw dog food due to his weaker stomach, then you have no choice but stick with cooked homemade dog food.