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Tips to Raise a Well Socialized Dog

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A lot of people hope and expect that they'll raise their puppies as happy and well-adjusted dogs. However, this can be a very difficult task to achieve. People often ask themselves, just what does it take to raise a well behaved and well-adjusted dog? What makes dogs too aggressive or too timid and how do you balance this? Unfortunate, not everyone knows how to train and socialize their dog. But once you learn the basics, you can help your dog become the best behaved dog in the dog park.

Be patient and start slow

Puppies can be compared to kids. They only want to play and have fun so training them needs time and patients. Your puppy doesn't know what to do and might not understand you at first, so be patient and take your time. Training also depends on how fast the dog learns their lesson. Some puppies take some time to teach while others get it right away.

Get used to handling and touching


One of the reasons why dogs become aggressive is that they're not used to being touched or pet. You might think your dog will behave well around other people because it's well behaved at home, but it's a different story with strangers, especially children. It's important that you take your dog out so it gets used to other people. Spend half an hour of your dog's exercise time in areas with people and even other animals to make socializing easier. If your dog is hesitant at first, expose them to people that you know sees on a regular basis, like your friends of family members. Being used to getting touched also helps when they're sick with illnesses that affect their mobility, like degenerative myelopathy.


Unlike a child, you can't just talk to a dog and expect it to understand you. When it comes to training them, you'll want to concentrate on a reward and punishment system. However, some trainers prefer to use a more reward focused training style since punishing them could sound like animal cruelty. In fact, many trainers would say never to hit your puppy since this could even cause more aggression as they grow.

Keep them healthy

A healthy dog is a happy dog. Stick with a good diet and give them regular exercise to keep them fit and strong. It's not all about training the dog and making sure it's well behaved. Keeping them healthy also helps minimize the chance of them getting sick with degenerative myelopathy.