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Tips To Save Your Dog From Fleas

27 13:29:30
Fleas are insects that infect pets like dogs or cats and even entire homes periodically. This bugs feed on the blood of the host and they can irritate the skin of the pet. Also some pets are allergic to fleas. Fleas are the most common cause of skin conditions found in dogs. If you see your dog scratching and chewing parts of his body you should check him for fleas.

If you think that fleas are just irritant bugs, like mosquitoes think again. Dogs can develop balding, skin rashes, skin allergies, dermatitis and other infections like worms if the pet isn't treated accordingly. Flea bites allergy is a very common condition that makes the dog to scratch continuously. As the scratching doesn't offer enough itch relief the dog will start to bite his skin and to tear off small pieces of hair. As the itching gets more and more intense the dog may become extremely irritated and sensitive to any disturbance. In this condition if you try only to play with him or pet him he might become aggressive and bite any person around him. No one wants that from his own dog so you may want to treat him of fleas. Fleas are everywhere and are spread by other animals like wild animals or homeless animals. If your dog runs free around the yard or in the park this treatment may be difficult. It's quite hard to eliminate all the fleas from the park or your own yard so we need a different approach. We need to eliminate first the fleas from you home and from your dog.

In our days there are many products that can do this job for you. There were invented flea collars, flea spays or flea soaps to bathe your dog with. There are also products that are administered orally and that protect your dog for around a year. If you own more than one pet, dogs or cats, you should apply a flea treatment to all of them at the same time. This is necessary so that the fleas will not be able to run and hide on your other pets. Your pets are not the only ones that need to be treated. You home needs treatment too. Fleas can hide in the carpets, bedding and other soft materials, chairs, and other pieces of furniture. Then they seek the next victim that can be any member of your family. How to clean out your home? It's simple. Take all the pieces of furniture, beddings and carpets outside the house and shake them out very aggressively. After spray the surfaces with a flea repellent. If the object can be washed, wash it. This is an even better solution. You should spray with a flea repellent any surfaces where you dog likes to hang out.

For the best results you should follow strictly the directions from flea treatment products. You'll have to be patient as fleas are not going to give up so easily. It will be needed a couple of treatments before all the fleas are gone. And once gone you should expect them to be back. It is important to maintain monthly or weekly spraying during the summer and worm months as fleas reproduce best during these months.

If you are not sure what kind of products you should use for your pets consult your veterinarian as soon as possible and start a monthly treatment to save your pet the irritations caused by fleas.