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How To Housebreak A Dog? - Important Things To Remember

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How to housebreak a dog is very important to be known for anyone who wants to keep a pet dog. Teaching the animal proper toilet manners will ensure that you and your pet will have a wonderful time together. To teach your dog the right way of relieving itself when nature calls, below are some of the crucial things you ought to keep in mind.


An Untrained Dog Needs Your Time And Patience

When the animal still has not developed the right habit of relief, it is very important that you give it proper attention. Training the animal also requires your time and effort. A dog may be smart, but do not expect that it will learn or absorb everything the first time. The animal learns through repetition. To feel frustrated even after numerous tries will not help in successfully housebreaking your pet.

Follow A Feeding Schedule

Following a feeding schedule will help you in determining the time by which the animal will pee or defecate. Usually, a dog will need relief one hour after it has been fed. Thus, if you will feed the animal once in the morning and once at night, you will know when you need to bring it out for its relief schedule. Elimination can become more predictable when you follow a schedule for feeding your pet.

Reward The Animal For Good Behavior

Reward, instead of punishment is what you must give your pet. While children feel great when you praise them verbally; dogs, on the other hand will better understand when you give them treats each time they perform something great. If the animal eliminates in the right place, praise it and give it due reward within three seconds after it has done a good job. This will help the animal in knowing what it did to deserve the rewards. It will begin to associate eliminating at the right spot with rewards. As mentioned earlier, teaching a pet dog to be house trained can become frustrating; but never let your frustration make you punish your pet.

Use Available Dog Odor Products

Make dog house training easier and more efficient by using available product on managing dog odors. Out in the market are odor eliminators or neutralizers. They are made of enzymes that help break down odor and stains from feces and urine. When the dog is still untrained, there will certainly be chances when your carpet or floor will serve as the toilet for the animal. Sometimes, simply wiping it off with soapy water will not be enough to completely remove the stink. If you do not do anything else to lift the smell, the dog will just do its deed over and over to that spot because of the scent it has previously left there. If you would like to save money by making your own odor neutralizer, avoid using ammonia as ammonia is also present in dog's urine. Using ammonia can possibly attract your pet to that spot again and will not help you in your goal to eliminate the odor. You may use vinegar or baking soda instead.