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Tips for Puppy House and Crate Training

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Crates serve as very helpful tool while introducing a new puppy into your household. Remember, a crate means temporal stay; it is not long hours confinement. Also confinement is not crate training. Puppies do not like to soil the area where they sleep or rest; they go over to some far area and relieve themselves. Crate is also useful in managing and training your dog till the time he knows the exact place to roam and relieve and you know the schedule of his bowel movements. Crate should be of a normal size where your puppy can sit comfortably, can stand and easily turn around. But it should not be that big that he relieves himself on one corner of crate and sleeps in other corner. It should be designated for just resting or sleeping periods of dog.

When you first time bring the puppy into the house, show him the entire house, give him some water and then gently put him inside the crate. Putting your puppy in a crate helps estimating when he needs to eliminate. Usually dogs make noises when they need to poop or pee, so this can also tell you in advance about their need to eliminate. If the puppy has been put in crate overnight or even a few hours at length, then definitely he will relieve himself moments after you take him out of crate. So, the biggest advantage of crate is that you can prevent the pup from eliminating indoors and also having a free run around the home.


Dog owners often face the problem where they get confused regarding their pet's eliminating habit; usually such untrained dogs pee and poop just anywhere and everywhere inside the home. So, it's mandatory to crate train him before you let him have a free run around house. Here are few steps which you need to take:-

  • Dogs don't know what is right and wrong; they only are aware of what's safe and what's dangerous. So, they will never know if urinating or defecating inside house is wrong. It's you who need to show them the right places where they can eliminate. Moments after bringing your dog in the house, take him out quickly to the place where relieving is to be done. Never physically punish your pet; it is bad and also it scares away the animal.
  • Dogs love to curl in any warm and cosy place which gives them the feel of a den. Crate should be such a comfy place. When you give him food or water, 10 -15 minutes later you will need to take him out to the place designated for bowel movement. As the pet does eliminate, reward or praise or just shower your affection on him, which will let him know that he did something right and good. After doing this, take him back to crate.
  • Just like the bowel movements are naturally scheduled, so should be the feeding. Feed him at regular schedule and take him on potty tour accordingly.
  • Keep the floors clean using a disinfectant. In case the puppy peeps at wrong place, wipe away the urine or poop that even the smell doesn't stay there. Dogs have a keen sense of smell, if they smell the place of urine they will urinate the place again. This places importance on a particular designated area.

With all these steps taken carefully, you will have house trained your puppy perfectly. After this you can start giving him a free run around house under your supervision.