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The Best Dog Flea Treatment Is To Use Several Methods

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Fleas are a problem for most dog and cat owners. These tiny insects are one of a dog's worst enemies. A flea is capable of laying dozens of eggs daily, so if adequate dog flea treatment is not administered, these bugs can easily get out of control.


Equipped with powerful saliva that helps penetrate skin and dilute blood, the flea will make a meal of either humans or pets. Flea saliva can cause a host of skin related irritations to anyone that is bitten. A flea bite can cause intense itching, hair loss, skin infections.

Eradicating a flea infestation takes more than just willpower, it takes knowledge. One of the most important things to remember about fleas is that an ounce of prevention is worth far more than a pound of cure. Since fleas are a given, it only makes sense to have a year around guard against them.

The first thing to do is to deter fleas from jumping on and biting a dog. To do this, a pet owner must choose from a variety of available flea treatments. Directly treating the animal is the best defense against fleas, but finding the right flea treatment for a dog could take some time and experimenting.

Among the most popular methods of flea control are topical solutions, oral treatments, shampoos, flea sprays, as well as flea collars or medallions. Providing yearlong treatment to a dog helps to prevent flea infestations because the treatments are designed to kill or repel fleas from the dog's body. Each treatment is different; some are excellent at killing fleas, while others are not as beneficial.

For the most part, the hardest thing about treating fleas is controlling freshly hatched fleas. Young fleas are the hardest to kill regardless of the chosen treatment. Many flea treatments kill adult fleas and eggs, and hinder the young flea from turning into an adult. These types of treatments are considered as the best dog flea treatment plans; they are the most reliable, and unfortunately they the most expensive.

Spending the extra money to get a flea treatment that deals with every life stage of the flea is by far the best way to prevent an invasion of these blood sucking pests. If young fleas are able to grow and lay eggs, an infestation is bound to pursue. Thankfully many treatments are available without having to visit a veterinarian.

Many of the most effective treatments are chemical based products and should be used with caution. As with any other type of chemical, there could be an allergic reaction or contamination issues. For these reasons, many dog owners choose a more natural approach to controlling fleas.

Using diatomaceous earth, citrus based sprays, and administering natural supplements are all effective natural flea treatments. It is wise to remember that the most effective way to control this pest is to use more than one intervention plan. In addition to applying treatment directly to a dog it is crucial to treat its yard, home, bedding and clothing. By consistently using more than one treatment method, fleas don't stand a biting chance.