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Dog Booties - Less of Luxury, More of Necessity

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When it comes to footwear for pets, many pet owners think that shoes for dogs are merely a style statement, however, they actually provide some very important functions for your pet. Yes, they do add a zing of style and attitude to your furry buddy's personality, however, dog shoes are also extremely important for your pet's health and wellbeing.


It is for this very reason that one has to be careful when selecting dog shoes. In a country like the United States, temperatures in the summer vary from pleasant to harsh and winter only gets worse as one moves further north. This is why the concept of 'all season wear' does not work well when it comes to buying dog shoes. Just as you would opt for flip flops in the summer and boots for the cold winter, it is better to buy shoes for dogs for different seasons or weather conditions.

Let's begin with the summer. It's very important for you to make your pet feel comfortable in its new shoes. Because dogs sweat through their paws, they need to wear shoes that allow for air circulation. To deal with the searing heat of the season, slippers or sneakers with mesh are inarguably the best choice. They are not only light on your pet's paws but also provide their paws with the ventilation they need.

For wet seasons like winter, where most of the country experiences snow fall, your furry friend's paws need to be covered properly. The shoes also need insulate the paws from the harsh wind and freezing snow. During the winter, dog owners prefer leather dog booties that cover a considerable length of the pet's legs and provide warmth to their paws. Similarly, shoes made of water repellent material are high in demand. If the paws are wet and stay damp for a while, your pet's paws can play host to infectious organisms which can lead to your pet contracting a host of infections. So as a responsible pet owner, it is important for your pet to wear shoes, especially on cold and wet days.

Dog shoes serve yet another purpose, they are an excellent shield and protect your pet's paws from objects that prick or wound. If you take your dog for a walk in the park, there's every possibility that their paws might get hurt, either by thorns or small stones. In such a scenario, shoes for dogs come to rescue.

While buying dog booties, make sure they aren't too tight and that they provide your pet with enough 'breathing space' for its paws. Also make sure that the sole of the shoe is rough and it provides the right amount of traction necessary to navigate different surfaces and terrains.

Dog shoes provide your dog with both, a unique style and protection. It is for this reason, that shoes for dogs are an integral part of a dog's life. If you have been deliberating over purchasing a pair for your dog, don't think twice. Keep the above factors in mind and purchase a pair for your pet at once and keep its paws clean and healthy.