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Marvelous Tips Why Bulldog Puppy Training Works Best At Home

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Marvelous Tips Why Bulldog Puppy Training Works Best At Home


If you've decided to buy a Bulldog, then congratulations! You will soon have a prestigious dog on your hands. Bulldogs have a long and colourful history. In fact, they have been considered a proud symbol of England ever since the 16th century. They are said to exemplify England's spirit with their resolute, fearless, and loyal character. These traits are also the main reasons why Bulldog puppy training can be a challenging task that requires you to be twice as determined as your dog. As long as you train him right, a Bulldog can truly become your best friend for life.

You should begin Bulldog puppy training as soon as you get your dog into your home. It is essential that you choose a Bulldog that is at least eight weeks old, so that it doesn't miss any of the important socialization that occurs within the litter from birth up to eight weeks. It is also advisable to get your puppy checked by the vet before you even bring him home. This is because a Bulldog's pure bloodlines come with a few health issues, and you have to make sure that your puppy does not suffer from any of the health conditions common in most Bulldogs.

The necessary first step in home training your Bulldog is to set up your house such that it is sure to be as safe and structured as possible for your puppy. Keeping a Bulldog safe and providing him with a structured way of life is essential in promoting the types of behaviour that will ensure a harmonious dog-owner relationship. So, while you are still waiting to buy your dog, it is best to start preparing your house for his imminent arrival.

Setting up a safe and structured home environment for your dog involves the preparation of a comfortable sleeping area. Arrange some pillows and toys at the designated sleeping area and make sure that it is a place where the pup can be easily convinced to retire whenever he feels tired or simply wants to relax. Another important part of setting up the right environment is designating a specific spot where you want your dog to relieve himself. A successful Bulldog puppy training entails making your dog develop the habit of going to the designated area whenever he needs to answer the call of nature, whether you are at home or not.

Now, you might be wondering why you have to train your new Bulldog at home. Can't you just enrol him in obedience school like any other dog? Well, of course you can! But, take note that Bulldog puppy training works best when done at home. When Bulldogs are brought to new surroundings, they have a tendency to get disoriented and usually end up at the wrong place at the wrong time. It will therefore be an additional burden on their part if you have to bring them to yet another unfamiliar environment for his training sessions. Training him right in the comfort of his new home will help adapt to his new family and surroundings a lot quicker. Soon, your dog will feel very much a part of your pack.