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All About Laboratory Incubator And Its Variants

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Technology has revolutionized various aspects of our lives and now there is an improved equipment or machine for many tasks that were accomplished manually earlier. The invention of these equipment and machines has immensely improved many scientific procedures. In early times, the lab processes that were accomplished for medical or scientific purpose were quite complicated. This is because, the apparatus and equipment that are now common were not present at that time. The lack of efficient and accurate equipment like laboratory balances made it difficult to attain precise results in different types of experiments. However, the scenarios have changed now and equipment like analytical balances and incubators have made it easy to attain precise results without much hassle.



This lab equipment is used for microbial culture or cell culture, which is a lab process. In this process, live cells are cultivated in controlled environment. The main function of incubator is to maintain humidity and optimal temperature for cell culture. Apart from this, incubator is also used for maintaining a constant supply of oxygen and carbon dioxide around the live cells that are grown in petri dishes or any other lab apparatus. This lab equipment is essential for many experiments, which are related to molecular or cell biology. Incubators also find application in the poultry industry. Eggs are placed inside incubator and are subjected to a controlled environment that can step-up the growth of embryos. This is basically done for commercial purpose and through this process, more eggs are hatched within a less amount of time.

Types Of Incubators

Incubator is an insulated box that comes with an adjustable heater that can maintain a temperature between 60 to 65 °C inside it. However, some variants of an incubator comprise of heating system that can heat up to 100 °C. Apart from this, there are many variants of incubators that have a freezing system, in place of heating system. This types of incubator is mostly used for cultivation of mammalian cells that need a considerably low temperature for healthy growth. Many incubators also have a special system that can control humidity and carbon dioxide levels. The latest version of this equipment is incubator shaker, which is used for bacterial suspension and extraction procedures. This variant is also employed in scientific processes like environmental soil analysis. There are many more variants of incubators available in market and each one of them is designed in accordance with a specific application.