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How To Find The Right Dog Bed For Your Needs

26 13:40:32

How To Find The Right Dog Bed For Your Needs


Even though cuddling with your pet on the couch or on the floor, you should get your pet a bed where they can sleep. Follow the simple guides below to find your dog a bed that it will really enjoy:

When it comes to choosing the right sized bed for your favorite companion, the most basic factor to consider is the size of your dog. Choosing a bed that is the correct size for your pet is crucial to a happy fully rested pooch. Your dog should be lying flat and completely stretched on their side without any parts of them hanging off the bed. If for some reason you are not able to locate a dog bed that fits your pet, always go with a bigger bed.

Does your dog often times lean against something soft or curl up into a ball? A donut or nest dog bed is usually a great choice for smaller dogs as they tend to need to cuddle up for warmth. Older or arthritic pets also benefit from the bed as well due to their supportive nature.

If your dog likes to sprawl out or often makes a circle before settling down, a generously spaced and soft round pillow style bed is in order. On the other hand, if your canine likes to lie on its stomach, then a rectangular dog bed would be an ideal choice. The rectangular beds are great space savers and can be convenient when traveling.

OK, so you chose the dog bed that Wilbur can stretch to his heart's content and rest happily, but he's ignoring the thing like a chew toy you got him a week ago, what to do? Proper introduction of your pet's new sleeping area is a very important step. Frequently, dogs are skeptical and suspicious that the fluffy piece of furniture was obtained just for them.

Using positive reinforcements and establishing a routine for your dog during its bedtime should make your dog comfortable and eventually come to appreciate the new bed. Try giving it a treat every time it decides to sleep in its own bed. Also, like people, comfort and consistency is a big deal for dogs, so try to avoid washing the dog bed to maintain its own scent.

Like humans, comfort for your dog is a prime concern, there may be different styles and shapes of beds for your pet but always make sure that the dog bed is large enough for your pet. To be safe, you may want to add an extra ten to twelve inches to your dog's measurement if you can't take your dog with you to choose its bed. With proper care and patience your dog should eventually learn to appreciate the dog bed you got for your four legged companion.