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A Step-by-step Guide on How to Train Your Puppy

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This article is a step-by-step guide of 'how to train your puppy'. There are 5 crucial lessons your pup needs to learn before it becomes an adult dog. This way the lessons learnt, as a pup will remain embedded in his memory for life.


1) Learning his name.

For your puppy to respond to your call, you need to teach him his name. The shorter the name, the easier it is to learn. Encourage this training by doing something nice with him before starting. Teaching him his name should be done in two simple steps as given below:

  1. Say your puppy's name slowly and clearly to catch his attention.
  2. When he responds to his name, reward your puppy and pat his head. If he doesn't come straight away, don't tell him off or he will be even slower next time.

2) Knowing the "No".

The next word your puppy needs to learn is "No". From the very beginning he should understand that "No" means something is forbidden.

Be sure your commands are consistent, what is "No' to one day should not be allowed the next, either by you or anyone else in the family.

You need to have command over this word; so that no matter where and when you use it, your puppy will know what he is doing is something he shouldn't.

3) House training your puppy.

Once your puppy has learnt two basic lessons, it's time to move on to house training. There are three simple steps to successfully train your puppy.

  1. Take him out every two hours during the day, ideally on waking up, after every meal and after playtime.
  2. If you notice your puppy going round in circles, pick him up and take him outside. When he has finished his business, praise your puppy.
  3. Don't tell your puppy off if he has an accident indoors! Scolding will only stress your puppy out.
  4. Sit, Lie down, Stay.

The next few commands your puppy needs to learn should be taught in the order specified.

  1. "Sit": While giving this command, push him on his haunches with one hand. Keep his head up with the other hand.
  2. "Lie Down": Ask him to sit, and then gently pull your puppy paws forward while saying "lie down".
  3. Stay: Make him sit and add "stay" while moving away from him. If he gets up and follows, say "No".

Teaching your puppy meal manners.

Mealtimes should be fixed and your puppy's food bowl must be in the same place, far away from his sleeping area. Tidbits or table scraps should not be given, as it will upset the nutritional balance of the food that you're feeding your puppy currently.

Remember to give your puppy lots of love and praise every time he obeys. This will encourage good behaviour. For more information, visit Royal Canin.