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Inexpensive Dog Toys Guide

27 15:47:42
Excellent Tips On Training Your New Puppy

A lot of people had pets growing up and may even still have a few. If you have a dog or you think you may want one in the near future, you have to think over some things first. Read on to find some great tips from experts and owners alike.

Your home needs to be 'dog-proofed'. Create a safe area to bring a new puppy into the home. Make sure chemicals, medications and any garbage is out of reach of the dog. Some common house plants that are toxic to pets should be removed from your home.

Your dog needs annual medical exams. Obviously, dogs don't speak, so it can be hard to figure out when they're having problems with their bones or teeth. Bringing your dog to the vet each year can help stop these health issues from becoming a huge problem.

Since your dog can't talk to you, it's crucial that you listen to their non-verbal language. When dogs seem hesitant upon meeting others, never force an interaction. You might cause your dog to bite someone or another dog. Watch your dog and be aware of his actions.

Never take your dog away from home without a leash, even if he is well-behaved. A wild animal could draw his attention and make him run off into danger, or an unexpected provocation could result in some unpleasant situation with other people and their dogs. As the owner, you will be held responsible for any damages your dog causes.

If a dog does something correctly like sitting before you leash them, give them lots of praise and affection. This will show your dog that the behavior he is exhibiting is just what you are looking for. He'll learn that praise will come when he is good, too.

Becoming a foster home is a good way to work with dogs without committing to one on a long term basis. Dogs who have been abused or left without a home stay in shelters until someone adopts them. Since there are so many dogs in shelters, there are little resources. Fostering a dog will both help the cause and allow you to test drive the responsibility involved with pet ownership.

Always follow any instructions from the vet carefully, especially if your dog requires medication or other special attention. The dog may hate that cone on its head, but it's there for a very good reason! You will leave your dog open to serious health problems down the line if you do not follow the advice from your vet for the health of your dog.

If you want a pure bred dog, do not discount the pound as a place to find him. Dogs are abandoned daily at such facilities, and they are in need of new homes. Just give a quick call to your local humane society to see what breeds they may have available. You could possibly be saving a dog's life in the process.

Hopefully the information provided here has given you some useful tips on taking care of your dog. As long as you put what you read into practice, there really shouldn't be anything that can make this go badly. Keep this article as a handy reference, in case you find yourself wondering what to do again sometime in the future.