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Using Liquid Glucosamine To Treat Dog Arthritis Disease

27 15:46:16
For canines suffering from arthritis, liquid glucosamine for dog arthritis can often act almost as a miracle treatment. Although not all dogs respond well to the glucosamine, many do. In fact, in our opinion, dogs with joint pain should first be tried on a safe supplement like liquid glucosamine before potentially harmful drugs are given.

Sure, the prescribed drugs may have a quick and positive effect on the dog. However, they all act to only mask the pain. They do nothing to help repair and regenerate the damaged tissue in the joints that the disease has caused the canine.

It may take 2 or 3 weeks or even months before your dog will show signs of improvement with the glucosamine. This is normal and expected since the process is one of rebuilding and not just covering up and numbing the pain caused by the dog osteoarthritis.

Be sure to ask you vet if you can first try your dog and several months' dosage of liquid glucosamine before beginning him or her on a prescribed and possibly quite dangerous medication. Most vets today understand that many dogs do respond quite well to this natural supplement. And by the way, not that it should be a consideration, but the glucosamine in the liquid form is much less expensive and easier to give your arthritic dog than pills or tablets as the other arthritis medicine is given with.

Is glucosamine a wise choice for treating your dog's arthritis? If you suspect your dog has arthritis, first take him or her to the vet for a complete checkup. If it is confirmed that your pet is suffering from canine osteoarthritis, your veterinarian will suggest several possible courses of action. It is very common for the doctor to suggest some prescribed medication.

Although these arthritis medicines have proven to be highly beneficial for many dogs with this joint disease, it should be known that there are also high numbers of pets who have suffered very serious side effects. In fact, some of these issues have even caused death in some canines. Although these terrible reactions are rare, they do happen often enough that owners should be extremely causes and very aware of what the symptoms of the side effects are. Many times, if a dog's owner is aware of what to look for, if the bad side effects do happen, it's possible for the problems to be mitigated before they are allowed to harm the animal.

What we suggest is talking to the vet about using an all natural supplement product, such as glucosamine for pets, to first combat the joint disease. Although the supplemental options do not offer immediate relief, they can offer long term benefits if glucosamine is given on a regular basis for several months.

Flexicose glucosamine is a 100% all natural product that contains 1500 mg of pure glucosamine in each dose. Because it is in a liquid form, it is more easily absorbed by the dog's body and is also much easier to give to the dog. The liquid form is simply pourd over the dog's food at supper time. Instead of fighting the dog to take pills or capsules, one simply adds it to the dog food.

Always remember that it will take several weeks to several months before any results will be seen. You definitely will not see any noticeable benefits in the first few weeks since the product is taking time to rebuild the damaged joints.