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What Are Dog Supplements And Its Types

27 15:46:38
What are Dog Supplements and its types

In human medical science, extensive research has been done on supplements and its benefits to human being. So many evidences have proven that we require supplements to achieve daily nutritional needs as we cant get it from daily food supplements. In the last few decades, Dog Supplements are also becoming popular because of evidences in human medical science. Dog Supplements are an edible product which can be added to the dog’s diet to provide all nutrients which dog need daily.

What are Dog Supplements -

Dog Supplements are an edible product which provides all nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and so on for better health. These nutrients may or may not be available from all food sources. Every nutrient has role in the body so the dog needs nutrients on a daily basis to complete physiological process.

Why Dog Supplements are essential -

There are a few reasons behind this science. The first reason is every dog has its own nutritional requirement so get this dog need proper diet and current food supplement may not meet this criteria. The second reason is some nutrients may get damaged due to cooking process or during food processing and these vitamins may not available to dogs. The third reason is not all dogs need the same supplements, in the same quantity. Because of this some reasons Dog Supplements are needed to be given.

Types of Dog Supplements -

There are various types of Dog Supplements which can be given to dogs. Each supplement has different health benefits to dog. These are as follows.

Vitamin and Mineral Supplement - Vitamin and mineral are essential supplement dog need daily. If you are using the highest quality commercial supplement it has everything in it. But if you are cooking at home for a dog then you have to add vitamin and mineral in daily diet plan. To balance nutritional need of dog you have to consult with pet vet because it depends on age, height, weight, sex and health condition of the dog.

Prebiotic and probiotic dog food supplements - Prebiotic and probiotic dog food supplements are essential to improve gastrointestinal health and immune system of dogs. This helps to improve the immune system fight against all types of viruses and bacteria. So this is helpful in older dog also. If dog suffering from diarrhoea or taking any antibiotic, Prebiotic and probiotic supplement maintains gastrointestinal flora. So it improves overall health of the dog.

Neutraceutical dietary supplements - Neutraceutical dietary supplements are made for special purposes. During specific disease condition dog need specific nutrients. Some common products are a joint health supplement, skin and coat supplement, anti-allergic supplements, immune system boosting supplement etc.