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Top Ten Reasons To Train Your Dog

27 15:44:22
Almost everyone loves a well trained, obedient dog. Such a dog is welcome into many places. Also, such a dog is safe, because you, as the owner, have control.
Please, train your dog, for everyone's sake.

1 - Digging In The Yard

Does your dog dig in the yard? Do you find yourself filling the same wholes all summer long?

I have 3 dogs, and I know exactly how you feel.

I needed to figure out if he would dig ANY TIME he was left alone in the yard or if it was

only when another dog was present. Test and see when your dog digs. Does he dig when left alone, does he dig when another dog is present, or when he is upset? Mine dug when left alone.

The next step is to make sure that he associates that negative (correction) just as he starts to dig.
The Old Fashioned Way to make sure that the dog gets a motivational negative association when he digs is to:
Step 1.) Leave a pinch collar and tab (one foot leash) on the dog when he's outside in the yard with another dog.

Step 2.) Bury hardware mesh or chicken wire in the spot where he's been digging. The chicken wire should be buried two to three inches below the surface. Dogs don't like scraping their paws against this stuff. So, right off the bat you've got an immediate negative association.

Step 3.) Spy on him and just wait until he start to dig.

Step 4.) As soon as he begins to dig, yell "No No No!" as you run outside and give the dog a correction. As long as you continue to say "No no no" as you run to the dog, the dog WILL still associate the correction with the behavior.

Step 5.) Be 100% consistent until you are 100% sure that the dog isn't digging any more.Be sure never to hurt your dog, or scare him. Correction is the secret!

2 - Eating Poop

This is a tough one. Be there to yell at the dog when you see him eat. If you are able to consistently correct him, this will stop his behaviour.
-you can buy products to add to your dogs food that will stop him from eating it. But, that only works as long as you put it in his food. It is NOT a behaviour modification.
-pineapple juice in the food also works the same way.

3 - Barking

Your dog must be wearing the pinch collar and the tab ANYTIME you are with her. If you were a canine rather than a human you wouldn't need the pinch collar as you'd just go over to your dog and give her a nip on the neck.

When she barks you need to tell her, "No!" and then give a firm tug on the leash. If she continues to bark, then either:

* Your correction didn't have any meaning to her...


* She's testing to see if you're going to correct her for barking THIS TIME just like you did LAST TIME. If your correction is motivational then you'll only need to do this two or three times before the problem stops forever.

You can get professional help, or, you can get one of the few excellent online professional dog training courses. The secret, as said before, is: When you say prepared to be able to correct him at that precise time. Your dog needs to know the word "no" and the correction go hand in hand. If you are NOT in a position to correct, do not say "no"! 100% Consistency is the secret.

Also, NEVER give your dog a command unless you are in a position to correct him if he does not obey.

In other words, never give a command you cannot enforce, and never say "NO", if you cannot correct!! This is the very secret of success with your dog.

And, use your imagination to set your dog up in certain conditions so that you CAN teach and correct him.

4 - Jumping On Your Visitors

Be consistent with puppies and dogs; it's counterproductive to discourage your dog from jumping on others, while allowing her to jump on you and lick your face. Again, the consistency to correct when you say no.

5 - Not Coming When Called

Only call your dog when you have a leash, a long cotton leash, so that when he does not come, you can correct instantly. If you cannot correct instantly, do not use the command. Set him up for this command. Specifically go out to teach this command with the long leash on him. Some cotton leashes come in 50' length. Remember, train in a controlled environment where your dog is SAFE.

Use the same techniques for any command you wish your dog to learn:
1) Be able to correct if your dog does not follow through with your command
2) Only give a command if you can follow through with a correction
3) Set your dog up so you can teach and train
4) Always, Always ensure of your dog's safety. You are the only one who can look out for your dog. That is your job and duty and responsibility as his master.

And most important. ENJOY. Enjoy the training, enjoy yor dog, and your dog will please you in return.

More areas of concern for training your dog.

6 - Walking Without Pulling; 7 - Sitting When stopping On Your Walk; 8 - Sitting And Stopping On Command For Safety Reasons; 9 - Play Gently With Kids 10 - Good Manners