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How Does Glucosamine Work In Relieving Dog Arthritis Symptoms?

27 15:44:20
It is rare for an older canine not to experience some of the symptoms and pain of osteoarthritis as they age. Although some breeds and sizes of dogs will have worse symptoms than others, almost every dog will suffer from this joint disease to some extent. Pet owners now have safe and 100% natural options for treating this disease and easing the pain and suffering their pets experience.

Although there are prescription medications which some veterinarians provide for dog arthritis, many of these bring about unwanted and often times dangerous side effects for the animals. Some people say that these drugs are so dangerous that if they were used for human consumption, they would quickly be banned by the FDA. Of course many animals are helped quite a lot by these prescribed drugs and therefore many vets continue to suggest using them.

However, there is an alternative product available today to pet owners for treating dog arthritis which is safe and virtually without any side effects whatsoever. This product is called glucosamine and is available at many veterinarians, at online retailers, and department stores specializing in pet products. Glucosamine is completely natural and safe and supplies the animal with the building blocks required to regenerate and repair the damaged tissues caused by the join arthritis.

One of the issues with using glucosamine to treat dog arthritis however, is that the benefits are not experienced immediately by the dogs with arthritis. The reason for this is that the product does not mask or cover-up the pain which is caused by the joint disease. Instead, it supplies the necessary ingredients the body needs to repair and replace damaged tissues within the joints which are the result of the onset of canine osteoarthritis. Because this building and regeneration process requires time, pet owners must understand that giving their dog the glucosamine supplement for several months may be required before any benefits are experienced by the animal.

The glucosamine comes in several forms such as liquid, tablets, and capsules. Of course anyone who has ever tried to give a dog a pill or capsule understands how difficult that process can be. Therefore, many dog owners choose to use the liquid version of glucosamine which can simply be poured over the animals food at meal time without any problems whatsoever. Although some dogs may notice the product is on their food, in almost all cases he or she will not resist eating the food because the glucosamine is present.

Some manufacturers of the supplement have actually flavored their glucosamine products with beef. Although this may be a good marketing mechanism for pet owners, it is thought that most dogs really do not have a preference between the beef flavor glucosamine and the regular flavor.

If your dog has been diagnosed with joint osteoarthritis by veterinarian, be sure to ask him or her about the alternatives for using these natural supplement products in place of prescribed medications which are not only expensive, but can also be dangerous.