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Discover The Way Advantage Gives Total Flea Care

27 15:42:39
Fleas are a fact of life if you own a pet. Shutting your eyes to their existence, and keeping your home and animal scrupulously clean won't stop them invading your house, and even temporarily living off you.

It has been proven that fleas are able to live on human blood for several weeks, so it would be wise for you to make certain that your home is flee free.

The first step is to thoroughly clean your home, paying special attention to vacuuming the upholstered furniture, curtains and any other fabric items. Get rid of the bag in the vacuum after every use. Next, you'll want to scrub your pets' favorite areas in which they sleep or spend the most time; inside and out.

Frontline & Advantage Flea For Dogs: You could then make an appointment with your vet to examine your pet for fleas and to learn what flea products for dogs are on the market.

Your vet might advise you to use a treatment like Advantage or Frontline flea protection for dogs. After Frontline, Advantage flea treatment is the most effective flea eradicator available for dogs.

Flea Medication: Fleas for dogs can be irritating, but left unchecked they become troublesome for everyone. Treat your dog with the appropriate medication once a month - this means that no fleas can breed on your dog and he can't catch them from other animals.

Flea Control Treatment: Treatments for flea control are very simple to apply these days, non messy, non toxic to your pet and long lasting. Allergic reactions are rare, but there are many effective brands to choose from if one isn't suitable for your pet for some reason. Many also control ticks and other parasites.

Fleas can be brought into your home by visiting pets; be sure to focus on your home each time the visitor comes and goes. Give the house another thorough cleaning. Dont forget to wash the corners and the most common areas in which the pets play and sleep. Take time to shampoo the carpets. Lastly, investigate all possible culprits involved in carrying the fleas in.

Your neighborhood might harbor stray animals. Does a cat that you don't own sometimes enter your house through the cat flap? Each animal that enters your home can bring fleas in with it, so it's important to clean your house regularly, and to remember your pet's monthly flea treatment.

I recommend Advantage dog flea medication, and I am confident that is one of the best products on the market for quickly getting rid of fleas.