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Your Healthy Dog-7 Answers About Care That Will Keep Your Dog Healthy

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Raising a dog that is happy and healthy can be one of the most rewarding experiences in life. It is also a big responsibility and a little scary knowing that you must make so many decisions that will directly affect your dog's health and overall quality of life.

Here are answers to 7 frequently asked questions about dog care that will give you the confidence to raise a dog that is not only healthy but happy.

How much food should I feed it? The amount of food depends on how much your breed should weigh. Visit your vet for a wellness check and get input on what the ideal weight should be, and advise on how much to feed.

Remember you should always be able to see a waistline and to feel the ribs. When adjusting the amount of food either up or down, change slowly to give your dog's stomach a chance to adjust.

Should I give flea medication during cold weather months? Yes, flea medication should be given all year round regardless of your climate or location.

How can I get my dog to come to me when I call? Obedience training classes will help you teach your dog how to respond to your various commands such as come, sit, stay, down stay and a number of other commands.

Training will help your pooch understand and respond to your commands consistently. Not only are classes fun for your pooch, but you will enjoy talking with other people who have dogs and exchanging ideas about all sorts of problems and creative solutions.

Should I allow it to drink from the toilet? Many big dogs love toilet water because the bowl is at just the right height, and the toilet that is most used has the freshest water in the house because it is replaced most often.

If you decide to allow this, make sure you avoid using chemicals that are sent in from the tank to sanitize or self clean the toilet. Make sure that everyone remembers to flush the toilet after use each time. If toilet water is be the only water source, be sure to leave the bathroom door open and the toilet top up so that your dog continues to have fresh water available all during the day.

Why do my dog's ears smell bad? Ear odor is often an indication of an ear mite infection, particularly if your dog has been scratching his ears, rubbing them on the floor, or shaking is head repeatedly. Take it to the vet immediately as the infection is likely to need more than a home remedy to go away. After the infection is gone, regular ear cleaning with a cleanser prescribed by the vet can help prevent future problems.

How often should we visit the vet? Schedule an annual appointment for shots and an examination to make sure your pooch remains healthy. Know your dog's behavior and look for any changes in eating habits, energy level, itchiness, hot spots (skin infections), or changes in stool such as diarrhea or blood in the stool or urine.

Consult your vet immediately at the first sign of these changes as they could signals of more serious health issues. The sooner you seek professional help, the better your dog's chances are for recovery.

How often does it need grooming? Grooming will depend on your dog's coat, and skin. Check with your vet for recommendations on frequency of baths and shampoos that are especially designed for canine use. Long haired dogs often need more frequent brushing to prevent matting of the hair and undercoat.

During warmer weather when then tend to shed or blow out their coats, daily brushing can keep the amount of airborne hair and dander low, while keeping their coat looking shiny and healthy. Using a high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) air purifier can greatly reduce the amount of airborne do hair and dander in your air.