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Dog Allergies Or Other Canine Health Concerns?

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Most owners don't have the knowledge to effectively identify canine health problems including allergies. Undoubtedly you really care about your dog or you probably would not be looking over this article anyway which is great since dogs really need this kind of care and concern. After all, it's not like they can vocalize the way they feel to us humans. So, it's important for us as dog owners to try and figure out how they feel by watching the way they behave.

Are Human and Dog Allergies Alike?

The immune system of dogs and humans respond in pretty much the same way. For instance, if a human is infected by the flu virus, our usual reaction is to sneeze or cough. Likewise, dogs also sneeze and/or itch when they are reacting to allergens.

Canine health problems can range from a simple flea issue to digestive issues. Some dogs are very sensitive to things like dust and pollen and in some cases, even human hair. Because of their vulnerability to dog allergies, dogs have to be given clean food and fresh water at all times. Feces from other animals, which some dogs seem to find fascinating are another factor that can affect the health of your dog. You have probably had an annoying experience trying to drag your dog away from another animals waste.

The quality of ingredients found in commercial dog food can be another factor affecting their health. Often times, dogs are mildly allergic to one of the many ingredients in dog food. Instead of trying to research all the ingredients in commercial dog foods you might be better off to switch to a simpler diet where you can regulate the ingredients more easily. Dog food has a mix of binders and fillers that may not always suit your dogs digestive system. Inevitably, the last place you would turn to find a reason behind your dog allergies would be your dogs food!

If your dog shows signs of excessive itching he may in fact be fighting dog allergies. Make sure and have your canine checked by a vet though as this can also be a sign of skin diseases or allergies to something other than food. Whatever you do, don't ignore your dog's behavior.

Checking your dogs feces is another important area to check. Dog allergies can often be spotted by the texture and the color of a dogs fecal matter. This may sound repulsive at first, but if done routinely, it goes a long way in keeping your dog in great health.

Dog allergies are a bane to the lifeline of a dog. If ignored at their early stages, canine health problems may lead to severe issues or even the death of a dog. Since your puppy matters so much, you should go the extra mile by looking out for dog allergies..