Pet Information > Dogs > Dog Health > The Cause Of Dog Hot Spots Can Be Difficult To Determine

The Cause Of Dog Hot Spots Can Be Difficult To Determine

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When a dog looses hair in a certain areas of its body it can be a sign of an infection called dog hot spots. Sometimes you may see that the area can be wet as well as have minimal hair on it. The infection is often caused by a bacterium that is in the dog's environment.

The bacteria will grow in certain conditions. If you have been neglecting the grooming of your dog you may find that the bacteria have been growing on him. Some allergies and behavioral issues can cause this infection to develop.

It is common for healthy dogs to experience skin irritation at the beginning of an infection. There may be many reasons for this such as being allergic to parasites or food, environmental changes, matted fur that results in concentration of moisture or dirt, etc. Continued licking or scratching of certain body parts due to the presence of allergens, boredom or sometimes behavioral problems may also result in the condition. A skin irritation can be the result of allergies caused by parasites or it may again be due to food. Even dogs with good immunity can fall prey to this problem.

One of the main treatments is to clip the fur in the affected area and then wash it regularly with a gentle cleanser or antiseptic. Sometimes it may be necessary to invest in a neck collar to stop the dog from reaching these areas with his mouth. If the condition is really bad, proper treatment may be required from a qualified veterinarian.

However, it is recommended to try to treat the cause of the condition as well, not just the condition itself. Trying to determine the cause is the only way to stop this problem for good. Irritating skin conditions can be onset by boredom, anxiety and other behavioural issues.

Regular grooming of dogs that suffer from these lesions is very important, removal of all mats from the coat two times is very important, and will help avoid the development of skin infections. You can cut out the mats if you want to, sometimes you will have to. If you can't manage to maintain your dog properly you should invest in a professional groomer, this will be cost effective in the long run. Many household mites can cause allergies that will manifest as skin irritations. Keeping the house free of these parasites by vacuuming regularly and removing dust and pollen will help to keep the environment clean. Changing the dogs diet may also help.

The underlying condition has to be found if you want to be able to cure the condition when it is due to more than a simple infection. This can be a difficult process in which possible causes will have to be found and eliminated. The advice of the vet will be valuable in this regard.

Dog hot spots are indications of a bigger issue. Treating that is more difficult but it is important to find them out in order to avoid reappearance. Proper treatment of the root cause makes the dog a happy companion. Taking care of he training and entertainment aspects of the dog keeps it physically and mentally content.