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Reasons To Feed Raw Dog Food To Your Pet

27 9:05:48
The raw dog food diet is taking on the pet world by a storm. A lot of people have mixed insights when it comes to supporting this kind of feeding procedure among pets. However, it's been pointed out that the effectiveness of this procedure is due to the fact that pets are essentially domesticated animals. In their natural habitat, they would be subject to eat raw food or raw prey just as greyhounds as well as sled dogs do. The raw dog food diet has come to light because of Australian veterinarian Ian Billinghurst who brought the idea publicly in 1993.

The main idea behind this kind of pet diet is that dogs are brought back into the old ways in which canines would be able to evolve within natural circumstances. Through feeding dogs with raw food, the proponents of this type of diet say that domesticated pets would be able to function much better and become stronger overall. The idea is that commercialized food is not that nutritious as compared with actual raw food. Billinghurst even states that in the long run, feeding dogs with commercialized food may actually be bad for their health.

According to both studies and experts, there are actually a lot of benefits that can be pointed at when it comes to letting dogs consume raw food. The most obvious are of course the physical changes that can be seen among dogs. People who give raw dog food to their pets can noticeably see a change in their coat and they are seen to have a much better skin condition as well. They are also observed to have a better set of teeth as well as stronger gums if they eat raw food.

Their stools are observed to be smaller when they eat raw food and they also have higher energy levels when it comes to being at play or going out with the family. It was also said that the quality of the food's freshness greatly contributes to the nutrition the dogs will get out of it. Highly-nutritious raw food would eventually mean strong immunity from diseases as well as easily becoming healed from certain illnesses.

The raw dog food diet is really an appealing way to care for your pet dog. But if you have never heard of this before, chances are your pet has always been fed dog food or you have even taken the task of letting them eat some leftovers or cooked meals. In this case, it is strongly advised that you ease your pet into this raw food diet instead of immediately changing their meals into raw ones. They might respond to it positively so its best to change their eating habits one meal at a time. This would allow them to develop the needed enzymes for digesting raw food particles.

In addition to slowly easing pets into the raw dog food diet, it's also important to note the food items that you will feed to them. This diet does promote the inclusion of bones into the dog's diet however you should restrict it to chicken bones. Chicken bones are easier to crunch and as the dog does chew on it, it effectively breaks down and does not become splintered. Thus, they are able to exercise their mouth and get their fill without any danger.