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Camping Safety With Your Dog

27 9:05:26
Summer is coming and boy arent we excited for some sun. After a long dreary winter its time to dust off the tents and gear and head to the wilderness! For those of us that have pets, they are always number one on the guest list. Keeping them safe is as just important as keeping them happy, so here are some tips to get you through and help you avoid some tough spots.

1.Bring a Pet first aid kit
This is very good advice. Take it from me. Being out in the wilderness with an 8lb Chihuahua that just got stung by a bee, and nothing to treat the swellingnot fun.
Things to have in your kit include:
Generic Benadryl capsules -- 25mg, for allergies (and bee stings!)
Gauze Sponges
Rubbing Alcohol
Hydrogen Peroxide-Good for inducing vomiting Always contact your veterinarian or local poison control center before inducing vomiting or treating an animal for poison 888-4ANI-HELP 888-426-4435
Pepto Bismol Tablets
Kaopectate Tablets max
Vet Rap Bandage
Milk of magnesia Activated Charcoal (to absorb poison) Always contact your veterinarian or local poison control center before inducing vomiting or treating an animal for poison 888-4ANI-HELP 888-426-4435
Lots of fresh water!!
2.Nearest Vet/Emergency.
Researching ahead of time your location and the closest vet or emergency clinic, distance, and directions is a very wise idea. I had a hard time finding a store that was even open in the remote area we were in. Thank goodness our situation was not more serious.

3.Tether & Leash
Using the leather leash and a specially-designed tether that fastens around a tree, a picnic table leg, car etc. Create a really long restraint that lets your dog have the feel of total freedom within the campsite. Just long enough so they may chase the squirrel away but not send you on a wild goose chase after them.

Bring a bed/air mattress for your dog that keeps them off the ground. A tarp to be laid under the bed between the ground will keep the cold from coming up and the bed nice and dry.

These essentials should keep you AND your pet happy, health, and safe. In addition pet insurance and a good diet will keep your pet around for a long happy life. And the fun camping doesnt hurt either. Camping=Happy Dog.