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Protect The Health Of Your Pet With Heartworm Medicine For Dogs

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Dog owners understand the need to provide preventive pet medicine as well a treatment for disease but also know the costs of pet meds can be high. Discount pet meds sites now offer lower prices for the same medications prescribed by your vet.

Arthritis treatment for older dogs can be found online and ordered easily. However, it is important to buy pet meds from a reputable site associated with a practicing veterinarian. Fake products and outdated meds are sold by fringe sites and auction sites by sellers who realize pet med sales are big business.

When buying heartworm preventive medication, a poor substitute can harm your loved pet. Heartworm prevention is a critical part of your dog's care. Using a cheap formula may not have any affect on the worms transmitted by mosquitoes to your animal and could lead to development of heartworm disease that might require expensive and painful treatment to cure. Heartworm medicines for dogs are divided into ingestible and topical spot on applications. If your pet has known allergies choosing an ingestible tablet that does not contain that ingredient may be the deciding factor of which brand name to choose.

The best known heartworm preventive medicine for dogs is Heartgard. Dogs view the beef-tasting wafer as a treat and will eagerly take their monthly dose. The low cost of Heartgard makes it a good choice for pet owners watching their budgets. A prescription is required from your vet but the medication itself can be purchased at a considerable saving on discount pet meds sites. The prescription is required because your dog will need to be tested for heartworm before the medicine can be prescribed.

Owners who prefer to protect their dog against multiple parasites with one pet medication may choose Interceptor, a monthly oral heartworm medicine that also prevents hookworms and roundworms. Interceptor is especially effective in preventing whip worms which are parasites difficult to diagnose even by a vet. Sentinel Chewables offer full protection from heartworm disease and from roundworms, hookworms and hwipments. Sentinal also prevents flea eggs from developing and the once monthly pet med can be used on puppies 4 weeks of age. Any side effects from heartworm medicine for dogs will appear shortly after the medicine is first given to the animal. Symptoms may be diarrhea, vomiting, itching or redness of the skin, loss of appetite, drowsiness or even seizure. Report any side effects to your veterinarian immediately.

An easy spot on treatment is provided by Revolustion for dogs. This popular topical medicine is a monthly application that solve several problems for your dog, including ear mites, fleas, some ticks and sarcoptic mange.

An alternative dog medicine is Advantage Multi for dogs. This topical application prevents heartworm disease as well as hookworms, roundworms, whipworms and fleas.

Heartworm medications are considered safe product to use for canine. Choosing which preventative to use may be simply a matter of deciding which medication can be found at the best price or is easiest to apply to your pet.The additional benefits of flea control and prevention of other intestinal parasites may allow the pet owner to use one medication rather than applying multiple products to his dog each month. Your veterinarian may suggest a specific heartworm medication but will be happy to discuss other options to help you choose. In the end, your decision may be based on visiting discount pet medicine sites to find the best prices.