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Dog Safety - Common Dangerous Household Items To Avoid

27 9:04:14

If you're a dog owner then you're well aware of the fact that dogs are curious creatures and love to explore, especially when it comes to new surroundings. Often times their nose will get the best of them and they will try to eat just about anything that smells good, or doesn't smell good, which can be very dangerous depending on what the item is. Here are some common household items that can be harmful to your dog if eaten:

Chocolate, which just about everyone loves, is not a very good choice when it comes to dog treats and can be harmful to your dog's health because it has a very dangerous chemical called obromine. This is toxic to your dog so you should avoid letting them have chocolate at all cost.

Another common household item which is very dangerous to dogs and also toxic is bleach. You'll want to make sure that you keep bleach out of reach at all times.

Tylenol can be very lethal to your dog, even a small dosage, and should not be left laying around where they can get at it.

We often use batteries for many electronic items including watches, remotes, flashlights, and so on and if your dog gets a hold of one and eats it, the result could be a terrible stomach ulceration which could be fatal if severe enough.

If you have moth balls stored in certain areas of your house to help get rid of bats, or for whatever reasons, you'll want to take caution and not allow your dog to get a hold of these since they have insecticides in them that can cause issues to the central nervous system and also can cause seizures in dogs.

Another item that is very dangerous to your dogs health is antifreeze, which is responsible for the death of many dogs every year. The reason it is so dangerous is because dog's are often fooled by the sweet smell and taste of this substance which lures them into consuming it. Any antifreeze spilled should be cleaned up immediately.

You'll also want to make sure that your laundry detergents and fabric softeners are stored where your dog cannot get at them. Laundry detergents are another item that if consumed, can be dangerous to your dogs health. Fabric softeners are also toxic and should be kept away at all times as well.

Mouthwash is another common household item that should be kept away from dogs since it may contain boric acid which if consumed by dogs, can cause symptoms such as vomiting, seizures, and coma.

All of these items are common household items that can be dangerous to your dog's health in one way or another so it's important to remember that if you have any of these items in your home, you'll want to be sure they are out of your dog's reach. This will prevent the chance of them being consumed by your dog, and will help keep your dog safe and happy.