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Dog Split Pad Injuries - What You Need To Know

27 9:03:45
Does your dog have a split pad? Here are the common symptoms...


Dog split pad is a condition where your dog obtains a shallow or deep cut on his paw or when the hard part of the paw is falling off. Sometimes, this will be a bit hard to identify unless you notice your dog limping while they are out for a walk or if they are favoring one specific foot. In addition, when their paws are injured, you may notice them licking the affected part for long periods of time.


A dog split pad is commonly caused by accidental injuries while walking outside or while they are at home. In addition, sharp edges of snow sprinkled with salt increases their risk to this "pad" condition.


Once you notice that your dog is favoring one of his paws, make it a point to find out why. If he is in pain because of a split pad, the first thing that you have to do is to clean it off with warm and soapy water. After washing, dry off the pad with a clean rag or warm air and then secure the wound with a bandage. Once the wound is bandaged, take your dog to a veterinarian for further help. They may need to perform a deep stitch operation on the paw if the cut proved to be too deep. If not, depending on the gravity, they may prescribe antibiotics or a topical treatment (there are different ones out there, you can check out mine too below.)

However, if the cut or injury is not that deep, you can try giving them some home remedies. Generally, you would just have to keep it clean and maintain it by applying topical ointment on it. Some dog owners also found some herbal remedies like potato water (potato skin boiled in water) and geranium poultice to work well.

While your dog is in the healing process, you should cease your daily walks for a while as putting pressure on a split pad may cause the paw to bleed more. During this time, you may have to deal with dog anxiety attacks. You should also prevent them from licking the raw wound to prevent further infection. If the bandages don't keep them away from the wound then you might want to consider having them wear a lampshade collar until your dog's split pad completely heals.


One effective way to prevent dog split pad is by taking precautionary measures when you are taking your dog out for a walk. Believe it or not, dog booties are not worn for aesthetic purposes alone, but they are also helpful to protect your dog's pads for injuries!

During winter, avoid letting your dog walk on sharp edges of snow that are sprinkled with salt. If you plan on letting them walk barefoot, take time to rinse or wipe their paws before going inside. You can also apply petroleum jelly or K9 KlearUp in the inside of their paws to give additional shield from salt and snow. Finally, you have to be sensitive to your pet's body language. If you notice that they are limping, or if they are continuously shifting their weight, you should immediately check their paws for any irregularities or other injuries.