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Without A/c, Dog Days Are Even Hotter

27 9:02:54
Summer is a great time of the year. There's swimming, barbecues and fireworks. But it's also a dangerous time of year for pets. Left outside for even just a few hours, dogs get lethargic. Because they don't sweat, they keep cool by panting, but in extremely hot weather this might not be enough. If not kept in the A/C, dog health problems will quickly multiply. Dogs can get sunburned, dehydrated and even suffer from hyperthermia, or heat stroke, like humans.

For pet owners, one thing you can do is install A/C dog house units. There are a couple of companies that specialize in air conditioners specifically for pets. One company makes portable air conditioning units that conveniently attach to crates, cages and other areas where space is limited. They run on batteries, electricity or car lighters and are strong and fast-acting.

The most popular A/C dog house cooler is a larger, square unit that sits next to dog houses in the backyard and actually pumps in cool air via a tube in the side. They greatly reduce the interior temperature of dog houses, while also minimizing humidity and promoting air circulation.

What's also nice about these cute, modern looking units is that they're lightweight and portable. They even work with virtually any dog house, no matter the shape. Not only that, but they're more energy efficient than your own air conditioning unit, so your utility bills won't suffer much more as a result of buying one.

At the same time, these units work equally well as heaters in winter. Though you may not be thinking that far ahead while still in the throes of summer, it's good to plan for the long-term. Buy an A/C dog house unit now for its cooling ability, then turn around and use it when the weather turns chilly with a temperature control thermostat.

As in any extreme temperature, dogs need to be cared for in cold weather, too. Dogs that aren't well looked after are prone to frostbite and hypothermia, both of which are serious and potentially life-threatening conditions.

If you don't want to invest in an A/C dog house unit, there are some other tricks you can employ to keep your furry friend nice and cool. Regularly change out water, and don't use metal bowls which heat up faster. Keeping water bowls in the shade and stocked with ice cubes will help.

Also, you can buy specially designed dog bed mats, collars and harnesses that all use micro-bead technology to keep pets (and humans) cool. The way in which the technology works is that these synthetic beads, sewn into pieces of fabric, retain cool and moisture. As it dries, the evaporation caused will lower the temperature of the air in the surrounding area.

Finally, just be conscientious. Don't keep your dog tied up in a spot where he can't get any shade. Check up on him every hour. If you notice any change in behavior or personality, take him inside. If the behavior worsens, consider going to the vet. You're not just your dog's best friend; their lives are in your hands.