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Different Symptoms In Dogs Kidney Disease

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It is probably one of the leading causes of death in older dogs. There are two forms in which the disease can manifest itself, acute or chronic. The acute form can happen so quickly and suddenly, while the chronic form begins slowly and progresses over time. Sadly for the owner, news of either form of disease is upsetting.

This disease causes a loss of approximately seventy percent of normal kidney function and it is these organs that act as the body's filtration system. If these do not work properly, toxins and waste products slowly build up in the blood. This can lead to a variety of problems, and sadly, eventual death. This unfortunately is the harsh reality of canine kidney disease.

The ability of a dog's body to properly function is stopped by kidney failure. A number of symptoms and warning signs will likely become obvious when the toxins begin to build up in their bodies. The acute time form usually appears more quickly even though both these chronic diseases show different symptoms. Dogs that suffer with this form of kidney disease can become dehydrated. Gently pull the skin on your dog's stomach to test them for hydration. The skin should spring back. There is a real possibility that your dog is dehydrated if it does not.

Your dog may have noticeable trouble passing urine or produce no urine as all. Your pet may be a victim of acute kidney disease if they have this warning sign. You may see your animal moving with an arched back or stiff legs and your dog can have extreme pain in the kidneys. Any dog owner should be sure to watch for these signs of kidney disease.

There are different symptoms shown with chronic kidney disease. Where they would usually gulp food they may begin to show signs of a decrease in appetite so drastic they do not want to eat. They could even stop eating all together. Weight loss will occur in time. An increase in thirst and the amount of water they drink will increase which is one of the first warning signs that the disease has begun. This signs are common with the condition. There may be an increase in the frequency of urination as the dog can lose bladder control. In some cases urination can become painful and often impossible with blood showing up in the urine. Any signs of urine symptoms, vomiting, lethargic or depressed in your pet should be treated as a warning sign and you should call your vet immediately since canine kidney disease is serious and can be deadly. It could be possible to get control over the disease if it is caught soon enough.

The treatment that a vet will start, for this very serious ailment, is typically four staged. The first step is to carry out a physical check up to eliminate other reasons for the symptoms. Next is the verification from the owner regarding the history and symptoms of this disorder. Then there will be tests - a blood test and finally a urine test to confirm the prognosis.