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people Foods Are Fatal For Your Dog

27 9:01:21
Typically, dog owners love their dogs and will not do anything harmful such as feeding them with the inappropriate dog foods. Nevertheless, because of the ignorance of most people, they will sometimes give their dogs "people" food. They assume that since humans are safe to eat these foods, so does their dogs.

Even if you feed your dog "people" foods once in a while, you are jeopardizing his health because some of these "people" foods are poisonous to him. They have the power to kill your dog.

You should always feed your dog carefully. Verify that the food you are giving him is safe from any toxins. You can achieve this by reading the dog food labels.

Let's take a look at some of the considerations we should be discussing when it comes to feeding your dog table food:

- As a rule of thumb, usually any food that is acidic is not a good food to be offering your dog. Acidity can damage the GI track of the dog, leading to a number of nasty side effects some of which include; vomiting, panting, fever, restlessness, the list goes on.

- Grapes may result in the kidney failure of your dog, so make sure you don't feed him this fruit.

- Onions have a negative effect on the balance of red blood cells in your dog's body. So stay away from this food also.

- Coffee is known to intensify your dog's heart rate. This may lead to your dog having seizures and GI track problems.

- Ibuprofen is deadly to your dog. It is the second leading cause of canine poisoning in the world. Make sure you put this drug away from the reach of your dogs as they really love its fragrance.

- The most popular treat people want to give their dogs is chocolate. This is a big no-no! As with coffee, chocolate contains caffeine that will elevate your dog's heart rate and can promote seizures.

- Rat poison is the number one leading cause of canine poisoning. Thus, always place your rat traps carefully at places unreachable by your dog.

Feed your dog properly and leave the "people" food to the people. Select a dog food that contains proper nutrition, is balanced and is prepared just for canines. If you have any doubts about what you should be feeding to your dog, check with your veterinarian for a professional opinion and then follow what your he says to the leather. Even an occasional something from the table can be poison to your beloved dog.