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Dog Beds. Are They Useful Or Useless?

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Dog beds today come in all sizes, colors, shapes, materials and to suit any canine and any decor. If that's not enough you can even have canine beds custom made. But does Your Canine Need a Bed? If you get your pooch used to sleeping in one spot he's less likely to sleep on the floor or other hard surfaces which can cause arthritis and calluses in later years.

What to Consider Before Buying a Dog Bed

Does your pooch shed or have any other disorder that will cause the bed to need constant cleaning? Does your dog curl up in a ball? Have you ever considered you dog's specific needs for comfortable rest? Asking these questions will help you hone in on the ideal dog bed.

Some Of The Benefits

Beds with sides are great for dogs that like to hang their head over the edge. For older dogs, or dogs with problems, thick orthopedic mattresses filled with medical-grade foam or even a boxspring are ideal. Some even come heated but if not you can buy a heating pad. Some pads are warmed in the microwave and some plug in. The type you choose will depend on where the bed will go and how long the pad needs to stay heated. The Indoor/Outdoor Bed is tough, water repellent and can be used inside or out. So the type of dog bed you choose depends on your pooch and its preferences.

Dog Bed Features

It is important for an older dog to have a comfortable rest area. Beds such as the Snuggle Ball Bed, Bagel Bed and Cozy Cave provide warmth and comfort for your dog, especially in the winter months. Sleeping on a cold hard floor can cause chronic pain and additional discomfort. They even make orthopedic hound beds now to help address this issue. Make sure the bed is big enough for your hound.

Most are stuffed with polyfill, often have cedar chips to repel odors and their covers are removable and machine washable. If you have a little pooch a small round pillow-type bed may be the best. It will let your pet burrow and nest. They come in a variety of styles, materials and colors and most can be thrown straight into the washing machine. A dog that sleeps in a tight curled up position might prefer a round bed with sides.

Think of the bed as an investment, a number of high quality beds will last the lifetime of your dog, and so will their benefits! A strenuous day can mean an evening of discomfort with a pulled muscle or painful joints so a good night's sleep is essential for your dog to wake rested and ready for a new day.