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Dog Skin Problems Caused By Canine Allergic Reactions

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Many over the counter dog shampoos and sprays advertise itch-relieving properties but if your dog is suffering from canine allergic reactions that relief will last only a few hours at best. Dogs can be allergic to dust mites, pollen of grass, weed or trees, to mold or to food they eat. Skin problems are the common result of allergic reactions in dogs.

Grass pollen and dust mites are the cause of atopic dermatitis which is an allergy to inhaled substances in the environment. Atopic dermatitis affects up to 10% of all dogs. Atopica is a medication often prescribed to relieve the symptoms of paw licking and chewing and the reddened tender skin and fur loss that develops from the licking. The itching from atopy can become so severe it interferes with the dog's sleep. Atopica does not cause drowsiness as antihistamines will nor does it contain corticosteroids which can be harmful with long term use.

A dog that scratches his back and chews on the inside of his legs is likely suffering from flea allergy dermatitis. Any time a flea bites your dog, he releases a minute amount of saliva. It is the saliva that causes the allergic reaction. It is necessary to kill not only the adult fleas on your animals but also to use a dog flea treatment that will break the flea life cycle as even a few flea bites can cause a big skin reaction for a dog with an allergy to fleas.

A corticosteroid treatment for allergies must be carefully administered by the pet owner. This is an excellent treatment for allergic disorders but it is crucial not to stop the medication without a gradual withdrawal from the meds over a period of several days. The most common generic prescription is Triamcinolone which may be prescribed by your vet as brands such as Vetalog, TriAcet or Cortalone.

Itching in the anal area is a sign of food allergies in your pet. Food allergies are most often seen in dogs less than one year old but can appear at any age. Your dog may become allergic to a food he has eaten for months or even years. Anal itching may be accompanied by a rash, vomiting or diarrhea and flatulence is another unpleasant symptom of food allergies. Environmental causes of the allergic reaction will be eliminated your vet to make certain there are no secondary allergies to be treated.

Dexomethasone is commonly prescribed by veterinarians as a treatment for dog allergies. It may be administered by injection, topically or inhaled. The topic treatment of Dexomethasone may also include an antifungal, antibacterial or miticide to treat the problem skin. Side effects are common with this drug and should be reported quickly to your vet.

Used sparingly, corticosteroids can be life saving for your dog and will ease the symptoms caused by canine allergic reactions very quickly. Taken as a pill every other day, this pet medicine acts by depressing the body's immune system. Corticosteroids are often the solution for owners of pets with seasonal allergies.

For dogs that require longer term treatment for airborne allergies, Temaril-P may be prescribed by your vet. This anti-inflammatory drug contains a low dose of prednisone and can be taken over longer terms with less risk of side effects than found with full dose corticosteroid drugs. Temeril-P reduces the dog's need to scratch which prevents sore or bare areas from developing. It is also often used to treat kennel cough or asthma like symptoms caused by canine allergies. You may not be able to eliminate the allergens from your dog's environment but there is a wide range of medications designed to ease or eliminate the symptoms of canine allergies.