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A Healthy Breakfast: You Can Do It!

27 15:37:59
How many of us hit the pavement running in the morning: getting the kids up, ready, and fed, making sure the dog is taken care of, handling all the unexpected chaos that always seems to present itself in the morning, worrying about the events of the day.

With so many things to think of, it is no wonder that, many times, a healthy breakfast is the last thing on our mind. It is absolutely amazing how many people neglect to eat a good, healthy breakfast, let alone eat anything at all.

Study after study has shown that having a good, healthy breakfast is vital to good, long-term health. The benefits of eating a good breakfast, to name a few are: more energy, a sharper mind, a better attitude, and a trimmer, leaner you. Breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day!

Think of a healthy breakfast as putting fuel in your car. You need fuel for your car to run, and so does your body. Eating a healthy breakfast provides energy in the form of glucose. This glucose helps your muscles, brain, and digestive tract.

Studies have shown that those who eat a healthy breakfast have a faster metabolism: up to 4% higher than those who regularly skip breakfast. That is an additional 10 to 15 pounds of weight loss a year without even trying!

How can I fit in a healthy breakfast?

By not snacking late into the evening, you will have a better appetite by the time breakfast comes around. If your mornings are hectic, try preparing your breakfast the night before, or get up a little bit earlier in the morning.

What should I eat for a healthy breakfast?

If you are not used to eating breakfast, it will not be hard to make a few changes for your health. American breakfasts tend to be overloaded with proteins, fats, and sugar. You do not need to go that route. Simply try the following suggestions and see if any might work for you.

1. Cold Cereal: Delicious, nutritious, and easy! With so many cereals out there, you are bound to find one you like. Just make sure it is not overloaded with sugar. Using low fat, 1% fat, or skim milk will make this a quick and healthy choice.

2. Yogurt and Fresh Fruit: Yogurt is full of calcium and protein, and is another quick and easy choice for a healthy breakfast. Yogurt drinks can be taken with you on a hectic morning when you need to eat on the run. Having some fruit along with it will give you the nutrients you need to make it through the day.

3. Smoothies: Add some skim milk, a little tofu, yogurt, and fruit in a blender and mix. Adding a scoop of protein will give you added nutrients to make it through your day. A delicious and healthy breakfast!

4. Bagels: Bagels can add some great complex carbs. Add some low-fat cream cheese or peanut butter and you will have a healthy breakfast that will get you through your morning. Just make sure the bagel is not incredibly large. 2 ounces of bagel is a lean and nutritious choice.

5. Instant Breakfasts: Breakfast bars, granola bars, protein bars, breakfast drinks: they all provide a healthy amount of nutrients, protein, and complex carbs. Just make sure they do not contain more than 2 to 4 grams of fat per serving

These are just a few suggestions of some healthy breakfast ideas. Get creative and shop around to see what suits your taste buds. Remember that by selecting healthy breakfast foods, you will begin your day strong, alive, and healthy. You will be ready to tackle just about anything the day may bring!