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The Importance Of High Quality Dog Food

27 15:30:50
Many people think that as long as their dog has been fed then that’s all they need to do. This is actually very wrong because a dog’s diet is such an important factor which contributes toward their health and well-being. It isn't the case that just because you have fed them a dog food that they have received all the nutrition, vitamins and goodness from their food that your dog needs to lead a healthy and happy life.

As I am sure you are aware there are many dog foods out there on the market and it can be very difficult indeed to choose the right one for your dog. You might tend to choose the one that is cheapest as you figure that if they are in the shops they must be okay and they are probably all pretty much the same anyway. This isn't always the case and it may take some careful consideration to ensure that you purchase the food that not only suits your pocket but also suits your dog too.

Some dogs have difficulty digesting certain types of dog food and they may be more suited to a food that is hypo-allergenic. If you dog seems to have an upset stomach from after they have eaten, then this could very well be the case and not only may they need hypo-allergenic but they might need a sensitive hypo-allergenic food too. If your dog is suffering from a stomach upset more often than not then you really must take into account that they are unlikely to get hardly any goodness from the food that they are eating. This over time could cause more serious health issues in your dog and you need to get this sorted out sooner rather than later.

If your new dog is a puppy then of course you would start feeding the dog on a puppy/junior dog food such as Arden Grange Puppy dog food as these foods are designed for puppy teeth making them easier to eat and also and have been produced to make them easier for your puppy to digest. This type of food will give your puppy or junior dog all the help they need and the additional nutrients required to get them growing and building a healthy immune system.

This then advances to the adult food such as Arden Grange Chicken and Rice dog food and eventually as your dog grows up you may want to consider moving them onto a senior food. Senior foods usually start being fed on or after the age of 7, though this can depend on the type of breed of your dog, these foods again contain a different mix of nutrients and vitamins and often have supplements to help your dog’s joints as they grow older and they start to slow down a little. You know your dog and will be able to recognise the signs of them growing older such as grey hair around their muzzle, getting slower at getting out of bed in the morning, dropping behind on walks and maybe looking a little stiff as they move. It is best that as soon as you see these signs you look to alter their food, being in denial at your dog growing older will not do them any favours and you need to address these issues as soon as possible to ensure that their life is made as easy and as comfortable as possible.

Unlike humans dogs first and foremost are interested in food by smell alone. The nose of a German shepherd contains up to 200 million olfactory receptors, while the most sensitive human nose has no more than 20 million.
On the other hand when it comes to taste buds humans have around 9000 and the average dog has around 1700. So as you can see from these figures, smell is the most important part of the food you feed your dog.

A high quality dog food is key to having a happy healthy dog and feeding good food you will see the benefits in the dog’s performance, their attitude to life and of course the shiny healthy coat.

You can also buy breed specific food such as German Shepherd Eukanuba dog food which is aimed at the breed and so this food will take into account all of those particular breeds’ unique factors such as their size, size of kibble which will best suit your dog and of course issues such as the shape of the dogs jaw. Some breeds such as the boxer have a lower jaw that protrudes beyond the upper draw and curves slightly upwards (prognathism) and they will need a special shaped kibble to enable them to eat their food more easily.
Your dog needs as much goodness and nutrients from their food as we do. So they will grow and develop to become fit and healthy as long as they are being fed the correct food that is suited to them and their requirements.