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Recipes For Dog Food - Forget Commercial, Go Homemade!

27 15:29:26
You may be thinking who would be cooking for their dog? Why not just buy the best dog food on the market? The standards for your faithful friend's food are very low; in fact they are so low that many of the dog foods available on the market should not even be available to purchase. Having a few good recipes for dog food will not only please your dog's taste buds, but will increase you dog's overall health.

The dog food that you find on the store shelves today, are all basically the same. The main difference between them is the packaging. Yes, the more expensive brands may seem to be healthier for dogs but the bottom line is they are all the same; they are not healthy for your pet. Yes, dogs may dig through the garbage or eat things you may not even want to consider but they are your responsibility and they should have the best. You would do the same for your own children, wouldn't you?

Many of the recipes for dog food consist of byproducts, preservatives and other chemicals that are not allowed in the processing of the foods that we consume. The meat, if you want to even call it that, which is used to make dog food, is not even meat. It's comprised of animal parts that cannot be used for anything else other than non-edible products such as perfume, pesticides or fuel.

With that said, finding some great recipes for dog food won't be hard to do. You may be thinking "Why should I"? It is for your dog's benefit; isn't your dog worth it? You take the time to shop for groceries and fix healthy meals for your spouse and children so why not your family's trustworthy companion?

There are recipes for both the main course as well as treats. Many of the recipes you will find are easy to follow and you will probably already have all of the ingredients needed. Making homemade food for your dog is just as beneficial as if you were making homemade food for your family.

When making meals and treats from scratch or semi-homemade you have a much better idea of what your family is eating. You have more control of the quality of the ingredients and of the portions. This also applies to homemade recipes for dog food.

Before making any new recipes for dog food, do not include certain ingredients that could potentially harm your dog. Food such as chocolate, avocados, grapes/raisins, onion/onion powder, garlic (any form) or yeast dough. In addition, you should introduce new foods one at a time and allow about two weeks before each introduction to ensure that you dog is not allergic or has any other reactions to the new food.

Follow this rule of thumb when choosing recipes for dog food. If the recipe sounds good and the ingredients are what you would give to your family then the recipe is a good choice. It is a good idea to stick to a 1:3 ratio for proteins and 2:3 for grains and vegetables. If you have any questions about certain foods, please talk with your veterinarian first.