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Diarrhea In Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, And Tips For Relief

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One of the most dreadful problems a pet owner can face is diarrhea in dogs. This can be a nasty mess coupled with foul smells and an unpleasant clean up. No pet owner wants to see his or her dog suffer from this condition. There are numerous factors that can contribute to an episode of pet diarrhea, not the least of which is the possible ingestion of something poisonous to your pet. However, what are some of the most common ailments that can lead to a bad case of runny stool in dogs?

A) One of the most common culprits to produce a case of diarrhea in dogs is a poor diet. Cheap dog food coupled with a bad habit of feeding your pet table scraps can both be huge factors. Cheap dog foods from some of the most trusted store brand names can contain coloring, fillers, corn, preservatives, and other simple proteins that may have a less than healthy origin (some of the fillers used in pet foods can be quite shocking).
B) Another source of diarrhea in dogs is stagnant water or standing water that is loaded with unhealthy bacteria. Some of the sources of this stagnant water are plant pots filled with standing water, long standing puddles in the yard, small ponds, decorative yard ponds, and water bowls that are seldom cleaned properly. This can be a breeding ground for bacteria called Giradia. Giradia is a common factor in causing diarrhea in dogs as well as other symptoms of poor nutrition and lack of energy.
C) One of the more simple culprits is a sudden change in pet foods. Changing a pet's food should be a gradual process of mixing the old food with the new over a period of time (some dogs react to sudden changes while others have no reaction at all). If you're unsure about your pet's possible reaction, check with your veterinarian for expert advice.
D) And finally, the use of containers for storing dog foods that are not properly sealed can also lead to bacterial infection or other microbe irritants. Many pet owners store their pet's food in the original bags and pay no mind to whether they are sealed or closed properly. This is asking for a potential problem. Often times these foods get exposure to bacteria and rodents that potentially carry disease.

If you feed your pet a poor diet consistently they can develop an enzyme deficiency in their intestinal tract. Other sources for this deficiency are worms, Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI), and other serious illnesses. One of the surest ways to guard against some or all of these causes is to use higher quality foods. Also, make sure your pet has clean food and water bowls and fresh clean water daily.

There are all natural pet supplements available that can help reduce the risk of dog diarrhea. There is a 3-Pak Kit for pets which is the most effective support product for issues that include or are a factor in causing diarrhea in dogs. The 3-Pak Kit is also a support product to issues like general digestive problems, skin problems, and mild yeast infections. This Kit includes Antioxidant Treats, Ox-E-Drops, and Sprouted Granules.