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5 Telltale Signs Of Dog Urination Problems

27 15:57:51
Are you plain fed up with your dog urinating in the most inappropriate areas of your house? More than likely, he is suffering from dog urination problems that are related to some physical problem. You shouldn't scold him, but instead seek out the root cause of the problem. Once you know the cause you can confidently engage a natural remedy program for his dog urination trouble.

Dog urinary problems are as frustrating for you as they are uncomfortable and downright painful for your dog. In order to be able to treat the problem quickly and effectively, it helps to know the signs and symptoms. Here are 5 signs you should watch out for.

1. One of the first signs of dog urination trouble is that you notice your dog urinating with more or less frequency than usual. Dogs that urinate more frequently may have an infection and dogs that urinate less frequently may have a blockage. It helps to know your dog well and how often he urinates normally in order to spot any changes in his behavior.

2. Dog urination problems cause painful urination for your dog. If you notice him straining to urinate an infection or blockage may be the cause. Watch your dog when he urinates to see if he is acting unusual.

3. Dog urination trouble may cause your dog to urinate in inappropriate areas. If you find urine on the carpet or in the bathroom, you need to get your dog checked out immediately. Many times when dogs have urinary problems, they have an uncontrollable urge to urinate or urinary incontinence. This causes them to urinate in inappropriate areas of the home.

4. Is your dog acting lethargic? Is his lazy behavior accompanied by fever? Is his abdomen tender? These are all signs of dog urination problems in their late stages so you need to get him checked out immediately.

5. Is your dog drinking a lot more water than usual? If so, he is probably dehydrated and dehydration is one of the first symptoms of dog urination trouble. It will be especially obvious if your dog is drinking lots of water in cold weather without having exercised.

As you can see, there are many ways to tell if your dog is suffering from dog urination problems. You need to take your dog to the vet to get him examined of course but what can you do at home to control the symptoms and help him recover?

The best thing to do at home is give your dog a homeopathic remedy, plenty of filtered water to drink, and a special diet of raw, unprocessed food. If you follow these simple steps you will be able to help your dog recover permanently from his urinary problems, perhaps even without having to give him conventional treatment.

Your goal? Take this information and keep it mind so you can spot dog urination problems early and treat them early. By doing so, you will prevent a lot of unnecessary suffering on your dog's part and lot of medical bills. If you give your dog a homeopathic remedy and change his diet, you may be able to avoid going to the vet altogether.