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Factors To Consider Before Adopting A Dog

27 15:56:25
Those big brown puppy eyes staring at you can surely melt your heart. You cannot help but want to take him home with you. It does not take a lot of effort to convince us to adopt a dog, because they are such adorable pets- loyal, fun, and lovable. However, before you decide on this, make sure to consider the following:

First of all, you need to understand that adopting a dog is a long-term commitment. A dog’s life span is about nine to fifteen years. Additionally, it will also cost you time and money, and though having a pet is extremely rewarding, it is not something to be considered lightly.

1. Reason for adopting a dog. Ask yourself, why do you want a dog? Do you want companionship? Do you want a pet to play with your kids? Or do you want a dog to guard your house when you are away?

2. Time you can spare. If you have not realized it yet, dogs, just like us, need to be spent time with. You have to feed, bathe, exercise, and train your dog. There is no such thing as a �day off’ when it comes to caring for your dogs.

3. Budget. Costs will include: training classes, vet care, toys, grooming, licenses, neutering and spaying, vaccinations, and food.

4. Dealing with problems. Dogs can get sick, suffer from flea infestations, become injured, and many other things that will require treatment. These will cost you money.

5. Home for your dog. Some communities do not allow residents to own a dog, more so if you are staying in an apartment. And even if your place allows dogs, do you have enough room for him? Small dogs require large spaces because they are very active and cannot be confined in a small area, while large dogs can stay in compact rooms because they can just lie down on the floor all day.

6. Substitute caregivers. If you go on vacation, who will take care of your dog? You should make sure somebody will be able to feed and care for him when you are away.

7. Lifetime commitment. As mentioned earlier, dogs can live nine to fifteen years, depending on his breed. Are you ready to care for him for that long? If your answer is a yes, then by all means, adopt a dog. But if you are not sure of this commitment, then it is best you think it over and over again before making a decision.

Many dog owners end up leaving their dogs in shelters because they realized too late that they could not really care for them. Another reason is the irresponsible breeding of dogs and being unable to manage it later on.

Just bear in mind that adopting a dog is not an easy feat. Rewarding, yes, but it requires time, responsibility, money, and a lot of love on your part. Make sure you are ready for such a commitment.