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Discover A New Amazing Way To Choose The Right Dog For You

27 15:55:09
So many people drive around every day making bold statements they feel passionate about. I'm sure you will have seen car window stickers stating the important fact that a dog is for life and not just for Christmas.

Outside of really cruel owners and serious neglect, I believe most people take on a new pet for good reasons and with the best of intentions. Unfortunately many people choose a pet for the wrong reason, without enough knowledge and without doing any research whatsoever. Children often fall in love with various pets and put pressure on their parents to allow them to keep them. A beautiful little puppy was brought to my home by a friends son who was intending to keep him. It was absolutely adorable (Like all puppies are) This particular puppy had gigantic paws and I later found out that it was an Akita Japanese dog. The Akita is a beautiful dog, usually kept as a guard dog but they need very strict training and can be very aggressive to other animals and children not belonging to the family home. Fortunately they didn't keep the puppy but I find it amazingly worrying to think how that situation may have turned out.

Choosing an animal is a huge responsibility, a long term commitment and should be discussed with all family members. Do you have land or a garden or do you live in an apartment. This will probably affect the breed of dog you choose. Also you will need to make sure all borders are secure so your dog cannot escape to busy roadways. Can you afford the necessary costs of keeping a dog and more importantly the ongoing costs of yearly injections, insurance or vet bills. If you want to take holidays during the next number of years, and your dog is not allowed to go will you be able to afford boarding kennel costs. Is there going to be enough company for the dog or will it be left alone all day? Does this particular dog need lots of exercise and if so who is going to enjoy exercising him or her everyday come rain or shine for the next ten to fifteen or more years. Is everyone prepared to do extra chores because dog hairs will be a problem if not. Very few breeds of dogs do not moult. Does everyone understand that when puppies are teething they relieve their discomfort by chewing on a bone, a designer shoe or two or three and antique furniture or leather sofas. They don't discriminate between any of these items even though you do.

There are so many breeds of dogs that are beautiful but if you choose a dog for its physical looks you could very well be bitterly disappointed.There are many places on the internet where you can fill in a questionnaire and find a variety of breeds that will suit your lifestyle and then both you and your four-legged friend can share a wonderful life together. A dog can be a wonderful and loyal companion. You can pamper him or her with diamond studded collars, grooming parlors, a pyramid meditation bed to thrive under and endless toys for the prince or princess of canines but you'll have their unconditional love if you simply love and take care of them.