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House Breaking A Puppy - Natural Approaches

27 15:54:58
House breaking a puppy should start immediately, just after you bring him home. Even at only 7 or 8 weeks old, he wants to please you so it's important to use puppy housebreaking training methods that will help him develop the acceptable abilities. He will have no trouble deciding where to eliminate if you don't choose for him. Obviously you cannot allow this to be his decision. It is up to you to communicate where you want him to go. Puppies will learn very quickly when they are clear about what they are to do

Dogs will not relieve themselves in a confined space where they sleep and, because of their strong sense of smell, are drawn to go in areas where they or others have eliminated before. You can capitalize on these natural tendencies in several ways.

Probably the most effective way to take advantage of these instincts is, first of all, to use a plastic dog carrier 'crate' as the pup's den or sanctuary. You should get him used to being secluded in the crate for short periods of time so that he comes to think of it as his refuge and is comfortable sleeping there.

The second way to use his instinctive tendencies is to watch your puppy's body language for indications that he need to go (circling,searching and sniffing), and then to react quickly by picking him up and taking him to the designated spot to eliminate.

he will recognize the scent in the specified area and your alert and consistent act of getting him immediately to the area will help him get the idea quickly. Success of the whole process can be moved along by being alert at times when he is most likely to go. Be ready to take him out when he wakes up, after playing or exercise, and after he eats or drinks.