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Socialization - Something New Everyday

27 9:11:12
Reputable breeders understand the importance of socialization. That is why they spend time with the puppies from day one. It's not that the momma dog necessarily needs any help at all, it is simply to insure that the puppies begin and grow to accept human touch.

The breeder will gently stroke and touch the puppies a few times each day. The puppies will also be picked up and held. As they grow older the puppies will be played with. Their feet and faces are touched regularly. This helps the puppy learn to accept and appreciate touch which makes grooming the dog easier. The puppies are also loved and kissed.

Of course puppies have to learn about lots of new things in the world - simple things like how various surfaces feel. So the conscientious breeder will make efforts to introduce the puppies to elements like carpet, tile, grass, dirt, and concrete. Other things breeders do to help puppies with their socialization skills includes introducing them to various people and pets.

Now you may be wondering why these things are so important. The reason is simple really. Good socialization that begins early helps create a well adjusted pet. It can make a difference in how you puppy adjusts to his new environment.

Imagine how a puppy that has never been socialized might behave on the first night at your home. Think about it. The pads of his little feet may have never felt any surface other than that of a crate. He has never been allowed to 'explore' a room or the outdoors. His contact with people and pets has been very limited.

Obviously that would have an impact on how he would adjust. What you might perceive as being shy could very well be fear of the unknown. It is clearly important that you purchase your pet from a caring breeder that gives the animals a good start in life.

Socialization does not stop when the animal leaves the breeder. In fact, it is just beginning. The puppy should now have lots of opportunities to go places with you, which means he will be introduced to new environments and new people regularly. This helps him learn how he should behave in various places and with different people.

Remember, a puppy is much like a child. You must be patient and be willing to teach him the things he needs to know. He wants nothing more than to make you happy and to be a great companion. All you have to do is show him how!