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Homemade Dog Food 10 Items You Never Feed To A Dog

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If you are familiar with the controversy surrounding commercial dog foods then you may be planning to make your own dog food at home. But there are several food items you should avoid feeding to your dog or puppy.

With some of these, small quantities may not cause major problems however you would be better to avoid them completely and you should definitely never let your dog consume large or regular quantities of them.

Here are ten foods you should not give to your dogs.

Potatoes - Potatoes are high in starch content which dogs cannot digest easily.

Onions - There is a chemical in onions that can damage blood cells in dogs and can cause anemia.

Garlic - Garlic is sometimes used in tablet form for dogs as a natural flea repellent. also part of But in large doses it may cause dermatitis and asthma. Follow dosage instructions carefully.

Dairy Products - Dairy products contain lactose, which is not digestible by dogs.

Fruit - Fruit is usually acidic and high in sugar content and will negatively affect your dog's digestion.

Grapes and Raisins - These are dangerous to dogs because they can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and kidney failure.

Chocolate - One of the ingredients of chocolate is theobromine which can lead to increased heart rate, restlessness and vomiting.

Macadamia Nuts These are toxic to dogs and six nuts or more can cause severe poisoning.

Nutmeg Too much nutmeg for dogs can lead to central nervous system problems and death.

Coffee Coffee has caffeine in it, and dogs that consume it can suffer from caffeine toxicity.

If you love your dog then act responsibly with the foods that you feed your dog. There are plenty of healthy and natural dog foods. You can even make your own inexpensive homemade dog foods using healthy dog food recipes.

Please don't kill your dog. Start looking into healthy dog foods today.