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Dog Kidney Problems - A Family Perspective

27 16:53:05
History shows that dogs have always been an integral part of our world and in these modern times dog kidney problems have become an emotional and financial stress for many households.

For those early hunter/gatherers, it is easy to see why the dogs were important. The dogs were faster, more agile and had sharper senses. Our family dog, even as an old boy, can hear the lid of the biscuit tin open, smell the delicious contents, vault the sofa and gallop down the hall to the kitchen, before any of the children get a chance to say custard cream. Though dogs are still used as hunting and herding companions, it is their other early roll, as protector, that has developed over the many years to win them their rightful place as family member. The protector responsibility is now a two way role and we must be aware of illnesses, especially the onset of kidney problems in dogs whilst providing them with love, shelter and food.

Taking our pets to the vet for regular check ups and screening for kidney problems in dogs if the same as taking our children for their annual health checks. Everyone gets very anxious when sickness strikes any family member. When one of the children had chicken pox, the dog sat a bedside vigil. If we were to miss the early signs of kidney failure in our dog, the whole family would be distressed by his suffering and ultimately his passing.

The symptoms of dog kidney problems are easy to miss and kidney failure in dogs is often so fast acting that the family can often be left with guilty feeling for not acting sooner. Even if you have spotted some sort of problem, it can frequently be misdiagnosed. The outcome is much sunnier for an early diagnosis, as the initial damage is less.

Veterinary bills can be crushing. Initial costs include blood tests, consultations and kidney flushing. You may well find yourself facing a further period of anywhere from a few weeks to several years paying for treatment, even if your dog does respond well at this stage.

At the end of each month, you have the gruelling choice of what to spend, what little money you have left, on? More kidney flushing, more medication, or new toys, books or game consoles? Explaining this terrible choice to the children can be beneficial and increase their compassion, but it's heartbreaking all the same. Our income already only stretches so far. Unless your dog has good insurance, a kidney transplant is probably out of the question for most families, who have many drains on their income already.

Perhaps the best plan of action is to PREVENT these kidney problems by following research into its causes. It is widely believed that it is an age related problem, but as more and more diagnoses are being made for kidney problems in dogs who are still very young, research is beginning to reveal a link with diet, specifically in the dried dog food market., blaming toxins, bacteria and GMO's to name but a few. Research into these causal links will hopefully make dog kidney problems a thing of the past.