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Several Simpletraining Tips For Your Dog

27 16:30:41
Your dog wants to learn and wants to please you, this is hard wired into every dog and is a throw back to their origins out in the wild. Dog training should be fun, exciting and challenging both for your dog and for you, a key point to remember when you are training is that you are working together as a team and this means you are being trained just as much as your pet.

Your dog is a pack animal; they look to be a part of a group and to be led and they are incredibly social which is one of the reasons they have formed this incredible bond with mankind. Dogs permeate every layer of our society and the man-dog partnership can be found around the world and throughout history. Don't pretend that your lovable bundle of fur is not looking at the world in these canine terms and in particular, is not looking at you and your family as its own pack!

You must assume the role of "leader of the pack" in the eyes of your dog or you will start encountering behavioral problems with your pet which may be irritating and nuisance behaviors through to very dangerous and aggressive issues which lead to harm to you, others and eventually putting the animal to sleep.

Your dog must obey you and understand what the limits and boundaries are in respect of its behavior and social interaction with you, your family and others. The first stage in teaching your dog obedience is to make sure it pays attention to you. When you issue a command, your dog must immediately understand what is required and to perform the behavior it has been taught, but to do this your pet must first give its attention to you. Fortunately this is fairly simple to achieve; your dog wants to pay you attention in the first place and if there are distractions, you can very easily reposition its focus back onto you.

One trick is to use the dog's name to gain their attention and as you both progress you can introduce another command word such as "Watch!" which will gradually result in your dog learning to associate the word with your requirement for their attention.

Remember that dogs have a relatively short attention span and you want them to pay you attention for at least a short period of time. You will need to practice this technique several times and remember to reward and praise your pet when they are paying proper attention to you.

You can also help your pet during training sessions by making sure that you are both free of distractions; children and people playing or passing through, other dogs nearby, loud noises and such will all move you from the focus of your dog's attention and make training that much more difficult.

Keep the training sessions relatively short, no more than 30 minutes so you can avoid your pet becoming restless or bored; liven up training sessions as these should be fun for both of you. Remember to be patient and gentle with your pet; never use pain or become angry as this will ultimately seriously damage your relationship with your dog and lead to difficulties down the line when training and living together.