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How To Stop Puppies Biting

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Nipping and biting is one of the biggest behaviour problems that almost all dog owners go through when they get a new puppy. Dogs nip and bite as a form of learning about there surroundings. What taste good, what's hard, what's soft, and much more can be learnt through nipping. Nipping is annoying though and all dogs need to learn that it's not ok to nip people.

Be the Alpha Dog

The first thing you need to do is be the Alpha Dog. Below I have list a summary of the key things you can do to ensure that you are the Alpha Dog.

Always walk through doorways first.

Feed your puppy after you and your family have finished your meals.

Respond to any bad behaviour immediately.

Don't walk around your dog.

Don't let your dog sleep on your bed.

Avoid encouraging nipping and biting through rough play.

Play fighting and engaging in competitive games such as tug of war with your puppy can encourage nipping. These games teach your dog that it's acceptable and fun to play rough with humans. If you sometimes allow play fighting and rough behavior and other times don't allow it your dog will only grow more confused. Don't allow rough behavior, especially in puppies.

Ignore your puppy after you've been bitten.

If your puppy bites or nips you, give a short sharp high pitched noise to show you've been hurt (imitate the way a puppy would yelp after being bitten during play with siblings). Following making this pain-demonstrating-sound you should turn away from your puppy and totally ignore it for the next 15 - 20 minutes. Your puppy will learn very quickly that biting and nipping during play is not a fun behavior.

Make snatching unacceptable.

When your puppy snatches food from your hand, don't tolerate it. Immediately turn your back on your puppy and don't give him the food for a full five minutes. After 5 minutes has passed, turn back to your dog and attempt to give him the food again. First make your dog sit and then slowly gift him the food. If he snatches again you'll need to repeat the process. Eventually your dog will understand that snatching is not ok.

Stick to a Consistent Routine

As with teaching anything things to dogs, consistency is a real key. You must make a conscious decision that biting will not be accepted and then rule it out altogether. Allowing your dog/puppy to bite some times but not others only confuses him.

For more information about dog training, and training dogs not to bite, visit the link listed below.